Stochastic fractional delay lines

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-12-26 (9 minutes)

One of the key primitives for constructing delay-line synthesis sounds like Karplus–Strong is the fractional-delay filter, but computing this filter is often computationally more expensive than the rest of the delay line, even if it’s a first-order FIR filter. I think a simple stochastic version of this filter is likely to be good enough for many applications and dramatically cheaper to compute.

If, for example, the resonance you want is a lag of 22.32 samples (at CD-DA’s 44.1 ksps, that’s 1976 Hz, B₆, more than an octave below the top of a piano) then a lag of 22 samples would give you 2004 Hz, about 24 cents sharp — a very conspicuous tone difference to the ear — and a lag of 23 samples would be even worse. Worse, if you’re changing the delay over time (for example, for a vibrato), the sudden change in pitch would be even more conspicuous. So you really need a fractional-sample delay. As Julius Smith explains, the easiest way to do this is to calculate the lerp (1 - η) y(n) + ηy(n - 1) = y(n) + η(y(n - 1) - y(n)), where η is the desired fractional delay, 0.32 in this case; this requires one multiply per sample. (There’s also a feedforward first-order allpass alternative with the same computational cost, less phase distortion, no low-pass filtering loss, but less ability to handle variable delays: y(n) = η(x(n) - y(n - 1)) + x(n - 1), with the delay being roughly (1 - η)/(1 + η).)

But a multiply is much more costly than an add. A different way to achieve the same effect is to randomly choose a lag of 22 or 23 samples on every sample, with probabilities 0.68 and 0.32. This will give the desired average lag of 22.32 samples, but it can be done much more efficiently than a multiply: an 8-bit LFSR and an 8-bit comparator, for example, would suffice, and these take much less circuitry than even an 8×8-bit multiplier, much less an 8×16 multiplier or 8×24.

The resulting phase noise will tend to introduce white noise modulated by high-frequency components and time-domain transients of the signal. This can be somewhat diminished by switching between the lags less often than every sample, perhaps every 4–8 samples. And if the cheaper fractional-delay filter allows you to use a higher sampling rate, that may have a larger effect than this noise.

A different approach to mitigating the white-noise modulation problem is to synthetically add white noise where it wouldn’t otherwise be necessary, so that this technique adds even more noise, but consistently rather than at a rate modulated by the signal’s maximum slew rate and the momentary value of the lag.

This stochastic-fractional-delay technique can be applied to a variety of other applications: Paeth (and Minsky-circle) rotation of raster images, adding vibrato or flanging to an existing audio signal, fractional-delay resonators for tone recognition (including radio-frequency tone recognition), calculating optimal sampling times for clock and data recovery in asynchronous communication, and phased-array beamforming.

Paeth rotation

In the standard version of Paeth three-shear rotation, shearing is done by shifting rows and columns of pixels by integer numbers of pixels, which approximate fractional-pixel shifts. But the rounding of the shifts produces aliasing artifacts, which can be diminished by fractional-delay filtering. Different tradeoffs are possible here. A single row or column can be shifted by a fractional amount by sampling individual pixels, or runs of pixels, at randomly different “lags” or shift distances, which will tend to fuzz out the rows or columns that have ideal shifts further from any integer, like 33.5 pixels rather than 33.9 or 33.1, similar to how just doing bilinear filtering on them (the lerp fractional-delay approach described above for audio) would fuzz them out, but also adding noise. As before, randomly selecting lags for runs of samples (pixels) rather than individual samples will tend to reduce this noise.

(Shearing using an all-pass filter, again as described above for delay-line music synthesis, would eliminate the shift-dependent fuzzing-out low-pass filtering, still costing one multiply per sample. Condat, Van de Ville, and Forster-Heinlein found a way to do this with a more computationally expensive symmetrically reversible all-pass filter in 2007. Also, JOS claims the all-pass approach isn’t suitable for “random access” — computing output sample n without computing all the n output samples before it, which is obviously relevant to tiled rendering of images — because it’s recursive; but presumably you can apply the standard prefix-sum algorithm to the recurrence relation to get a more efficient way to do random access.)

Sampling different pixels in the same row (or column) being shifted will result in making zero copies of some of them and two copies of others, thus degrading the image somewhat. A different approach is to generate the random lags on a per-row (or per-column) basis, so all pixels in a row (or column) are shifted horizontally (respectively, vertically) by the same amount, and no pixels are lost or duplicated. This eliminates much of the information loss and also takes the extra work out of the inner loop.

A further step to reduce the information loss and extra work is to make these rounded lags of successive rows (or columns) monotonic: if there’s a succession of rows to be shifted by 33.0 pixels, 33.2 pixels, 33.4, 33.6, 33.8, and 34.0, then we pick a random breakpoint among the fractional shifts where we switch from rounding to 33 to rounding to 34. This should still provide enough randomness to break up the most objectionable aliasing patterns.

Vibrato and flanging

Vibrato on a musical instrument alters its pitch slightly in a periodic manner; in most cases a good approximation can be achieved by slightly advancing and retarding the signal, although of course if taken to an extreme this would start swinging the tempo too. Flanging is pretty much by definition just a matter of retarding one copy of the signal by a variable amount. So these techniques are directly applicable.

Resonators for tone recognition

A piano string is a delay-line resonator that can recognize particular audio frequencies (or their harmonics). The same technique can be applied with a Karplus–Strong delay-line resonator in a relatively small amount of memory; also, though, if we have enough memory to store the whole input signal, we can quite reasonably convolve it with a sparse impulse train in order to detect periodic motifs in it at the relevant frequency, whether sinusoidal or of some other form, which allows us to choose a different shape for our temporal window than the exponential rise and decay the constant-space cyclic delay line would seem to limit us to. The various fractional-delay techniques described above can allow us to effectively position these impulses at fractional-sample positions.

This, of course, also works for variable-frequency and radio-frequency tones, for example for FM radio reception.

Clock and data recovery

The simplest form of clock and data recovery is just a question of extracting the phase of a periodic motif of a known frequency and shape from noisy data, and of course there’s no guarantee that the period of that frequency has an integer number of samples.

Phased-array beamforming

In phased-array beamforming we sum up the signals received at many different transducers from a given source (or do the equivalent with time and causality reversed). Depending on the direction and sometimes the distance to the source, the delays from the source to these different transducers are different, and this permits us too separate the source’s signal from other signals.

If everything is known except the signal, this is just a matter of applying the right lags to the different signals and adding them up. A fast way of applying different fractional-sample lags to different signals is thus useful.

(But it’s hard for me to imagine that it can compete with an FX correlator on precision, so you'd probably only do it when the Fourier technique is too expensive.)
