Methods for two-dimensional rotation with two or three real multiplies

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-12-23 (updated 02020-12-26) (14 minutes)

Method K for complex multiplication

Wikipedia says Knuth gives an algorithm for multiplying (a + bi)(c + di) as follows: (k₁ - k₂) + (k₁ + k₃)i where k₁ = a(c + d), k₂ = (a + b)d, k₃ = (b - a)c, which works out to (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i as it should. Call this Method K. Method K is interesting because often multiplication is much more expensive than addition or subtraction (for example, it takes much more space in hardware in fixed point, and much more time in multiple precision), and this algorithm requires only three real multiplies, rather than the four required by the more direct approach.

In Unicode matrix form:

┎             ┒┎  ┒     ┎  ┒
┃  1  1  0  0 ┃┃ac┃     ┃k₁┃
┃  0  1  0  1 ┃┃ad┃  =  ┃k₂┃
┃ -1  0  1  0 ┃┃bc┃     ┃k₃┃
┖             ┚┃bd┃     ┖  ┚
               ┖  ┚

┎           ┒┎  ┒     ┎ ┒
┃  1  -1  0 ┃┃k₁┃     ┃ℜ┃
┃  1   0  1 ┃┃k₂┃  =  ┃ℑ┃
┖           ┚┃k₃┃     ┖ ┚
             ┖  ┚


┎           ┒┎             ┒┎  ┒
┃  1  -1  0 ┃┃  1  1  0  0 ┃┃ac┃
┃  1   0  1 ┃┃  0  1  0  1 ┃┃ad┃ =
┖           ┚┃ -1  0  1  0 ┃┃bc┃
             ┖             ┚┃bd┃
                            ┖  ┚
               ┎  ┒
┎             ┒┃ac┃
┃  1  0  0 -1 ┃┃ad┃
┃  0  1  1  0 ┃┃bc┃
┖             ┚┃bd┃
               ┖  ┚

(Incidentally, the version of Method K given in Wikipedia interchanges k₂ and k₃, as well as a and c, and b and d. That’s because I reconstructed it from memory and it has an asymmetry with respect to its arguments that Karatsuba multiplication does not.)

Karatsuba multiplication

A very similar insight underlies Karatsuba multiplication for multiple-precision real numbers; I don’t know if Karatsuba was working directly from the above complex algorithm, but in Karatsuba multiplication we obtain (a + br)(c + dr) = ac + (ad + bc)r + bdr² by calculating j₀ + (j₂ - j₁ - j₀)r + jr², where j₀ is of course ac and j₁ is of course bd, from which we can calculate that j₂ must be ac + ad + bc + bd = (a + b)(c + d) — our third multiply! (And two adds.)

So, for example, with r = 10, we can calculate 97 × 86 as j₀ = 7×6 = 42, j₁ = 9×8 = 72, j₂ = (9+7)×(8+6) - j₁ - j₀ = 16×14 - 42 - 72 = 224 - 42 - 72 = 110, so our answer is 42 + 110×10 + 72×100 = 8342, which is correct. And recursively subdividing the problem this way gives us Karatsuba’s asymptotically faster multiplication algorithm, the first one discovered in millennia.

Applied to the special case r = i, Karatsuba multiplication gives us j₀ - j₁ + (j₂ - j₁ - j₀)i, so Karatsuba multiplication gives us a slightly different three-real-multiply algorithm for complex multiplication. It uses two adds and three subtracts in addition to the multiplies, while Method K uses three adds and two subtracts — virtually the same computational cost.

Partial evaluation

If we partially evaluate these two algorithms with respect to one of the arguments, say we hold constant the (a, b) argument, Method K eliminates an add and a subtract, because k₂ = md and k₃ = mc, where the mᵢ depend only on the constant argument. Partially evaluating Karatsuba multiplication in the same way only eliminates the a + b add. So for complex multiplication by a constant multiplier, Karatsuba costs three multiplies, one add, and three subtracts; Method K costs three multiplies, two adds, and one subtract; and the basic method costs four multiplies, one add, and one subtract, just as for non-constant arguments.

Complex multiplication for rotation and scaling

In the context of computer graphics, complex multiplies are particularly interesting because they perform uniform scaling and rotation in a single operation. So, for example, you can take a vector figure represented as a list of (x, y) points, and scale it by n and rotate it by θ by multiplying each number (x + yi) by a complex constant (n cos θ + ni sin θ). (Typically you also want translation, which is complex addition if you’re still thinking in complex numbers, but there’s no advantage in doing so.) If you have the x and y components of various different points in some SIMD registers, this costs you three SIMD multiplies, two SIMD adds, and one SIMD subtract using the partially-evaluated Method K.

Commonly in computer graphics we instead rotate raster images; this can be done by brute force by translating and rotating the screen coordinates of every screen pixel into texture space by the methods above, but strength-reducing this operation is very advantageous and universally done. Instead of transforming the coordinates of each pixel, we transform the coordinates of a start pixel, the delta (1, 0) to move one pixel to the right, and the delta (0, 1) to move one scan line down. These give us increments we can use to walk around texture space with simple adds. Then we can sample from texture space with a variety of methods — for procedural textures like fragment shaders, we just invoke the procedure with the transformed (x, y) arguments, while for materialized textures we commonly use nearest-neighbor or bilinear sampling, though there are a variety of common tradeoffs between aliasing and computation time.

Paeth’s three-shear rotation algorithm

There’s another famous algorithm for rotating raster images with three multiplies, though, by Paeth, usually called the “three-shear rotation”. It doesn’t do any scaling, but its compensating virtue is that, in its usual form, it doesn’t lose any pixels — under appropriate circumstances it’s perfectly reversible, because you execute it by shearing the raster pixels by displacing them some integer number of pixels. This also means that it doesn’t require per-pixel sampling operations, even rounding.

The disadvantage of Paeth’s three-shear rotation is that it produces a lot of aliasing artifacts because of the constraint of shifting the pixels only by integer amounts. See the note on stochastic fractional delay lines for some approaches to this problem.

Paeth’s algorithm for rotating a vector (x, y) consist of the following three steps:

x += αy;
y -= βx;
x += αy;

(And the shear transformations work by shifting pixels αy pixels to the right in the first step, βx pixels up in the second step, and αy pixels to the right again in the third step. Normally you round these shifts to integers.)

We can represent this calculation with matrix concatenation as follows (here I’m copying my memory of Tobin Fricke’s page on the subject):

┎       ┒┎       ┒┎       ┒┎   ┒
┃  1  α ┃┃  1  0 ┃┃  1  α ┃┃ x ┃
┃  0  1 ┃┃ -β  1 ┃┃  0  1 ┃┃ y ┃
┖       ┚┖       ┚┖       ┚┖   ┚

Let’s concatenate out the matrices; first the rightmost ones:

┎       ┒┎       ┒   ┎          ┒
┃  1  0 ┃┃  1  α ┃ = ┃  1   α   ┃
┃ -β  1 ┃┃  0  1 ┃   ┃ -β  1-αβ ┃
┖       ┚┖       ┚   ┖          ┚

That is, when we subtract off β of x from y in the second step, the x we’re subtracting already has an α of the original y in it, so the y-to-y item isn’t 1. Now the third step:

┎       ┒┎          ┒   ┎                   ┒
┃  1  α ┃┃  1   α   ┃ = ┃ 1 - αβ   2α - α²β ┃
┃  0  1 ┃┃ -β  1-αβ ┃   ┃   -β      1 - αβ  ┃
┖       ┚┖          ┚   ┖                   ┚

So now we end up subtracting off a proportion αβ of the original x as well as the original y, and adjusting each one by different fractions (respectively -β and 2α - α²β) of the other, fractions which approach 0 if α and β do.

So, to get a matrix for rotation by θ out of this, we need cos θ = 1 - αβ and sin θ = -β = α²β - 2α, which is three equations in two unknowns. We have directly that β = -sin θ, and to calculate α we can observe that cos θ = √(1 - sin² θ) = √(1 - β²) = 1 - αβ. Thus α = (1 - √(1 - β²))/β. (As it turns out, this is -tan ½θ, but that’s a terrible way to calculate it.)

But our problem was overdetermined, so we still have to check if this gives us -β = α²β - 2α, so we want to see if β = 2α - α²β, which becomes
2(1 - √(1 - β²))/β - β(1 - √(1 - β²))²/β² =
2/β - 2√(1 - β²)/β - (1 - √(1 - β²))²/β =
(2 - 2√(1 - β²) - (1 - √(1 - β²))²)/β =
(2 - 2√(1 - β²) - 1 + 2√(1 - β²) - (1 - β²))/β =
(2 - 1 - 1 + β²))/β =

So choosing α and β in this way does give us a pure rotation. For example, for θ = 10°, β = -sin θ ≈ -.174, α = (1 - √(1 - β²))/β ≈ -.0877. Starting at (100, 0), we proceed to (98.5, 17.4), (93.9, 34.3), (86.5, 50.1). These all have magnitude 100 and angles of respectively 0°, 10°, 20°, and 30°, so it seems to be working, though with a bit of rounding error — the last one should have been (86.6 = 100√¾, 50.0 = 100/2).

Toffoli and Quick in 1997 reported a similar three-shear algorithm for three-dimensional rotation, but I haven’t read the paper.

Minsky’s circle algorithm and two-shear image rotation

Paeth’s algorithm is strikingly similar to the Minsky circle algorithm described in HAKMEM, which computes an approximate rotation of a point around the origin as follows:

x += αy;
y -= αx;
# no further steps

This is, surprisingly, stable with exact math; the determinant of the resulting matrix is exactly 1:

┎          ┒
┃  1   α   ┃
┃ -α  1-α² ┃
┖          ┚

It’s usually even stable with approximate math, including integer math. With integer math, even if α is prescaled to be something like 3/32, each of the steps is computationally reversible, like Paeth’s rotations; so orbits can’t converge, and they can’t grow without bound because the determinant is 1, so they must return to the starting point. (For it to be computationally irreversible, you’d need addition and subtraction to round sometimes.) But the circles described by successive iterations are elliptical, which is obvious if you start with, for example, (x, y, α) = (1, 1, 1) — the orbit is (1, 1), (2, -1), (2, -1), (1, -2), (-1, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, 2), and then repeats. For smaller values of α the ellipticity is quite small.

The reversibility property means that if you use this transformation to map a bunch of unique pixel coordinates, the resulting pixel coordinates will still be unique! In fact we can implement this “rotation” on a raster image with two Paeth-like shears, and each of the pixels will describe a Minsky pseudocircle that never collides with any other pixel, and eventually returns to its starting point. The image will be distorted as it rotates (in particular any pixels close enough to the origin that αx and αy round to zero will stay put instead of rotating!) but it will eventually return to its original form. Not having tried it, I suspect that for many parameter values, particularly with the center of rotation well outside the image, the distortions will be imperceptibly small compared to the aliasing of Paeth’s algorithm implemented with integer shears.

Both Minsky’s and Paeth’s algorithm can be thought of as two timesteps of leapfrog integration of a simple harmonic oscillator ( = -kx); the difference is that Paeth’s algorithm starts halfway in between two timesteps. But it seems like this would imply that you can undo the ellipticity of Minsky’s algorithm by picking a different starting position, and in fact you can’t.

Paeth locality and run-length slicing

Many people have questioned whether Paeth rotation is still fast on modern machines, quite apart from the aliasing artifacts induced by its standard implementation with integer pixel shifts, because the standard approach uses three passes over the image, thus blowing up your dcache unnecessarily. I think you can probably get enough locality by pipelining and maybe tiling. Suppose you break the image into tiles of 16×16 pixels (768 bytes in fancy shmancy 24-bit color) and your α and β factors are small enough that the shift over the whole image is less than ±16 pixels. Then producing a single output tile involves only pixels from two horizontally adjacent second-stage tiles; each of these involves only pixels from two vertically adjacent first-stage tiles, four in all; and each of these involves only pixels from two horizontally adjacent input tiles, six in all, spread across two rows of tiles.

So if you pipeline the shears you only need enough dcache to hold 32 scan lines of the image, which I think is even true without tiling; if it’s the traditional 1024 pixels wide then that’s 96 kilobytes in 24-bit color, which is coincidentally exactly the size of my L1D cache on my Pentium N3700 laptop.

We can do better than this with Z-curve or Hilbert-curve ordering over the tiles.

However, for smallish rotations, we can do much better; each scan line of the output is made out of concatenated segments from different scan lines of the input.

Consider an input image all white with one horizontal black line. The initial x-shear just moves the black line with the image. Then the y-shear breaks the black line up into something like a Bresenham line; if the y-shear is 16 pixels over a width of 500, for example, it consists of alternating 31-pixel (75%) and 32-pixel (25%) segments, placed on successive scan lines; this stretches the originally-500-pixel line into a line of roughly 500.26 pixels in length. Then the final x-shear may overlap some of these segments, putting two black pixels above one another, or it may not, depending on where the line is positioned vertically.

I think these overlaps are points where, when moving from writing into output scan line m by copying from input scan line n to copying from input scan line n±1, we also adjust the x-offset from which we are copying.

Larger rotations produce shorter segments which overlap more often, but until you get to a rotation of more than about 20°, the segments are still substantial. You can copy these segments directly from the input image into their place in the output image, rather like run-length-slice line drawing, but sometimes with overlap between the ends of the slices, and copying pixels rather than filling colors.
