Line-numbered ISAM buffers

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-07-18 (updated 02020-07-23) (14 minutes)

Darius and I have talked occasionally over the years about the problem of text editor buffers. Editor buffers, like the ones in Emacs, need to support a few operations efficiently:

  1. Traversing the text sequentially, for example to repaint the screen or search for a string or regular expression.
  2. Adding markers to the text.
  3. Determining what markers are present at a given location.
  4. Jumping to a marker.
  5. Inserting and deleting text anywhere in the buffer.

From the point of view of the beginning of the buffer, text moves when you insert and delete things before it. The tricky part is that the markers need to move with the text; it isn’t good enough to just store a byte offset for each marker.

Ideally we’d like all of these operations to be sublinear in the size of the buffer, and we’d like the buffer to be able to be at least nearly as big as RAM, if not the disk, and we might have many markers per line, for example to store syntax-highlighting properties of the text, so the number of markers also grows linearly as the text grows. If any of these operations take linear time instead of, say, logarithmic or at least square-root time, then they will become unbearably slow when we open a gigabyte-sized file, much less a terabyte-sized one.

I think Raph Levien has come up with a design for this in Xi based on ropes, but I don’t know what it is.

I was lying in bed thinking about G-code and BASIC interpreters and the HP 3000, and I realized that you can more or less solve this with an ISAM approach, and this is probably what Darius and I had come up with before I forgot it until tonight. You represent the buffer as an (in-RAM) ISAM file with synthetic, meaningless keys. ISAM supports the following operations efficiently:

  1. Go to the first record whose key is equal to or following a given key.
  2. Go to the next record by key (or report failure).
  3. Go to the previous record by key (or report failure).
  4. Read the key and value of the current record.
  5. Delete the current record.
  6. Insert a new key-value pair into the file.

All of these take at most logarithmic time; 2 and 3 are typically constant time. (It’s common for ISAM systems to support an update operation as well, but in the absence of concurrency, this can be synthesized from read, delete, and insert.) There are a variety of ways to implement this, though B*-trees and LSM-trees are the most popular.

How does this give us buffers? Well, when we read a file into a buffer, we break it into blocks of, say, 256 bytes, and assign each one a sequential string ID to serve as its key; perhaps AAA, AAB, AAC, and so on, or if the file is a terabyte, AAAAAAA, AAAAAAB, AAAAAAC, and so on. When you add a marker in a block, you update the block to include a pointer to the marker, and you store the block key and the byte offset in the marker.

When you change text within a block, you must keep the block from growing too large; you may need to split the block, perhaps splitting block AAB into AAB and AABA. This requires updating the key stored in each marker that has moved to the new block. If you don’t split the block, you must update the byte offset stored in each marker that would have moved to the new block.

To ensure that traversal remains fast, you might also have to keep blocks from becoming pathologically small, perhaps merging what little remains of block AAD into the end of block AAC and removing AAD if both of them have shrunk a lot.

Because traversing the blocks sequentially is fast, traversing the buffer sequentially is fast. Adding a marker is very fast, requiring only an update interaction. Finding what markers are present at a given location is fast because it only involves inspecting the current block, which is never very large. Jumping to a marker is fast because the marker contains the key to the block, which permits navigating to it via ISAM. Inserting and deleting may involve ISAM operations.

But why ISAM? Undo and incremental monoids

Why ISAM rather than just a doubly-linked-list piece table? You could include memory pointers to the pieces in the marker objects instead of ISAM keys. Inserting and deleting into a doubly-linked list is easy; you have to update all the markers concerned, but that is true with ISAM as well. And ISAM adds a logarithmic slowdown to the jump-to-a-marker operation, which would instead be constant-time with pointers to pieces. So is there any advantage of ISAM here?

Well, ISAM can provide FP-persistence. Ropes are “persistent” in the FP sense: a reference to a rope refers to a given state of that rope, so an undo history can be implemented simply as a list of pointers to ropes that share structure. You can implement ISAM in an FP-persistent way, and if the references from the buffer blocks to the markers are indirected through an FP-persistent dictionary data structure (whether some variant of ISAM or just a hash table) then the whole buffer structure can be FP-persistent.

Ropes don’t have an obvious way to handle markers, though. Rope nodes are immutable. If you store markers in an immutable rope node, you can copy them to a new node if you make modified versions of it, easily supporting operation #3 --- but how do you support operation #4, jumping to a marker? Storing a pointer to a rope node in a marker doesn’t help --- even if that rope node is in the version of the buffer of interest, you can’t traverse the graph to its parent, because it may have many parents, some of which are in the version of interest and some of which are not.

The ISAM approach provides FP-persistence, like ropes, without losing the ability to track down a marker; its compensating drawback is that copying text from one buffer to another, or from one place to another in the same buffer, requires copying all the text’s characters. (Cut and paste can avoid this.)

Monoidal computations

(See also Monoid prefix sum.)

Aside from simple undo, there’s another set of operations commonly required in text editors which can be supported efficiently by ISAM or ropes, but not in any way I can see with a simple linked-list piece table: things like syntax highlighting, line numbers, and display column, which are generically a monoidal computation on the sequence of characters from the beginning of the file to a given point.

Basically the problem is that whether, say, a given line in a buffer is line 123 or line 124 depends on all the bytes before that line; inserting a single newline early in the buffer increments the line numbers of everything after it, but if this takes time proportional to the number of lines in the buffer, then it will be unusable on sufficiently large buffers. On the other hand, if you don’t store any line-number information, then going to a given line number will be unusably slow on sufficiently large buffers. (It’s okay for that to require a full buffer scan the first time, since there’s no way to avoid that, but not every time.)

Parallel prefix sums

The parallel prefix-sum algorithm offers a solution to this problem for general monoids. If your buffer is made up of some kind of tree with text in its leaves, and traversing the tree left to right gives you the order of the text in the buffer, you can cache the monoid value for just the text within the subtree rooted at each node. Then, to calculate the monoid value for some prefix of the buffer, you use the monoid operation to combine the values in the tree nodes within that prefix, which is linear in the tree depth and thus logarithmic in the buffer size. Updating a leaf similarly merely requires invalidating and potentially recalculating the cached monoid values in its logarithmic number of ancestors. In the case of monotonic values like line numbers, you can also efficiently do a search for a given value using binary chop.

A gibibyte-sized concrete example

As a concrete example, suppose we have a 1-gibibyte buffer stored in a 16-way B-tree whose leaves all happen to be 1024 bytes at the moment, and we want to calculate what the line number is at a typical position like byte 474,340,006. Each lowest-level internal node embraces 16384 bytes; each node at the next level is 256 kibibytes; each node at the next level is 4 mebibytes; at the next level, 64 mebibytes; and the single top-level node is the whole gibibyte.

  1. The first 7 64-mebibyte children of the root node are entirely before that position, and we can use a cached number of newlines stored in the root node for each of those children to add up the number of lines in the first 469,762,048 bytes of the file, leaving 4,577,958 bytes.
  2. Those bytes contain a single full 4-mebibyte block at the next level; we can add in its number of newlines, cached in its parent block, leaving 383,654 bytes over.
  3. Those bytes contain a single full 256-kibibyte block at the next level; we can add in its number of newlines, cached in its parent block, leaving 121,510 bytes over.
  4. Those bytes contain 7 full 16-kibibyte blocks at the next level; we can add in their numbers of newlines, cached in their common parent block, leaving 6822 bytes over.
  5. Those bytes contain 6 full 1024-byte leafnodes; we can add in their numbers of newlines, cached in their common parent block, leaving 678 bytes over.
  6. Finally, we can iterate over those 678 bytes to count the newlines in them, and we have our answer.

So, in total, we had to add up 22 numbers, found in five blocks, and examine 678 bytes of text, totaling about 1 us; and the worst case is only about three times more operations, and the same number of random memory accesses, so about the same time. This is about four or five orders of magnitude faster than just iterating over all the text.

If you insert or delete a newline in this buffer, you need to revise five of those numbers. You can alter the tradeoff slightly — for example, within each node you can cache the prefix sums of its children rather than their raw values, resulting in faster queries and slower updates (worst case with tree height 5 and 16-way blocks, 5 reads and 80 updates), or you can use a binary-tree structure within each block (worst case 20 reads and 20 updates). But the number of random memory accesses stays the same.

Monoidal incremental tokenization

It may not be obvious that syntax highlighting can be incrementally handled in the same efficient way. Syntax highlighting is typically mostly a function of tokenization, which is typically regular except in exceptional cases, such as here-documents in shell or Perl. Regular expressions can be handled by an NFA; the elements of the monoid in question are mappings from sets of NFA states to sets of NFA states, and the monoidal operation is composition of such mappings. Typically any block of text of more than a few hundred bytes has only a few NFA states possible at its end, sometimes only one.

Monoidal incremental layout

Typically the column at which you display a character depends on the font you’re using, your wrap width, the kind of wrapping you’re using (character, word, or hyphenated, say), and the characters before it on the (logical) line, which may be arbitrarily long. As described in Monoid prefix sum, you can efficiently compute this incrementally in the same way. (Occasionally it also depends on the rest of the characters in the physical on-screen line, if you are justifying, or the layout choices of the rest of the paragraph, if you are doing some kind of TeX-like layout optimization.)
