Monoid prefix sum

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-06-05 (13 minutes)

The parallel prefix-sum or scan algorithm makes it possible to calculate a prefix sum on N elements in O(log N) time on an unbounded number of processors. As Stepanov may have been the first to point out, this algorithm is applicable to general monoids, although its performance only remains O(log N) if the monoid operation can be computed in constant time.

Like unto many other parallel algorithms, parallel prefix sum can be easily converted into an incremental algorithm through a tricky time-space switcheroo: we can cache all the values computed during the algorithm, and upon a small change to the input, we can treat the values computed from unchanged parts of the input as if they were values computed on other processors, receiving them from the cache as if they were received over the network. This gives us a logarithmic-time way to incrementally update the reduction of an arbitrary (constant-time) monoid over an input sequence, since that is the final element of the scan — for example, the sum is the final element of the prefix sum. (Integer sum in particular admits more efficient implementations, because it is not just a monoid but an abelian group — in constant time, you can simply add the inverse of an element that is being removed. But, for example, semilattice operations are not so forgiving.)

In a sense any algorithm that produces a result from input data is a reduction followed by some kind of final postprocessing; the input data comes in some sequence, and in the degenerate case, the reduction is just in the free monad, concatenation — the reduction is just the concatenation, and then the final postprocessing is the algorithm itself. But of course that doesn’t give us any parallelism or incrementality advantages.

Testing associativity in O(N³) time

Suppose we do have some kind of interesting iterative processing going on over the input data, though, formulated in a monoidal way: we have a lifting operation that maps an input element into a “lifted element”, a composition operation that maps a sequence of two lifted elements into a single equivalent lifted element, and perhaps a postprocessing operation that maps a lifted element representing the whole sequence into the result we wanted. But to be able to use it correctly with the prefix-sum algorithm, we need to be sure the composition operation is really monoidal, which is to say, associative. How can we verify this?

It may not be possible to verify rigorously in all possible cases, but it is at least reasonably efficient to verify that it is associative over a given input string of N elements, requiring O(N³) time, using a dynamic-programming-like algorithm. The input string contains N(N+1)/2 nonempty substrings, each of which can be divided into two nonempty substrings in less than N ways. So we create an array of lifted elements for these N(N+1)/2 nonempty substrings, and we calculate the reduction value for each of these substrings in all possible ways. For substrings of a single element, we simply use the lifting operation. For each substring of M > 1 elements, we test all of the possible M - 1 divisions into nonempty substrings by applying the composition operation M - 1 times; they should all produce the same value, which we then store into the array.

For “reasonable” composition operations, it should be possible to do this test for sequences up to lengths of a few hundred in under a second, perhaps a few thousand. This does not of course amount to a proof that the operation is monoidal, but it may be a fairly convincing test.

A trivial example: canonicalization of a binary carry-save sum

So, for example, the string ABCD, of length 4, has the 10 nonempty substrings A B C D AB BC CD ABC BCD ABCD. Suppose that, for some inexplicable reason, we want to reduce this string with the function λs c . s × 2 + ord(c), which takes the previous state, multiplies it by two, and adds the ASCII value of the input letter to it, starting with an initial state of 0. Our “lifted elements” are an ordered pair of integers (n, k), representing the function λs.s × n + k. The lifting function maps a letter c to the pair (2, ord(c)). The composition function maps two pairs (n1, k1), (n2, k2) to the equivalent function (n1 × n2, k1 × n2 + k2). So A becomes (2, 65), B becomes (2, 66), etc.; AB becomes (4, 196), BC becomes (4, 199), CD becomes (4, 202); ABC can be computed either as A + BC = (2 × 4, 65 × 4 + 199) or as AB + C = (4 × 2, 196 × 2 + 67), giving in either case (8, 459); and ABCD can be computed either as A + BCD, AB + CD, or ABC + D, giving the same result (16, 986) in all three cases.

(In this case, the postprocessing operation amounts to simply taking the second item of the tuple.)


Thus if we annotate rope nodes with lifted elements, we can incrementally update the monoidal reduction of the whole rope even after insertion and deletion operations; it isn’t necessary for the lifted elements to correspond to elements whose counts are powers of two. I think Raph Levien has done this for his Xi editor.


By applying this incremental monoidal reduction approach to logs of historical events with a well-defined total sorting order, we can derive a wide variety of efficient CRDTs. We use the standard union CRDT on a set of historical events, merging newly-received events into a rope of already-received events and recomputing the lifted elements on the updated nodes. This allows us to efficiently recompute the monoidal reduction over the updated dataset.

In particular, we can derive common CRDTs in this way, such as a dictionary updated by upserting and deleting key-value pairs; Okasaki’s FP-persistent data structures are likely useful here. (I suspect this is actually how Datomic works.)

Further efficiency issues

Of course, if the lifted elements contain some arbitrarily large data structure, or if the composition operation or postprocessing is arbitrarily expensive, then you can lose the efficiencies. Running the above example composition function over the input string “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” gives the lifted value (4503599627370496, 297237575809105796), each value growing by one bit per additional input character.

If memory is sufficiently expensive, or recomputation from scratch is sufficiently cheap, it may not be worthwhile to cache these lifted values for every element of the input sequence; it might be sufficient to cache one out of every 32–2048 values, thus saving 97–99.95% of the cache space while still limiting the work to recompute a value at a given location to the redundant reprocessing of 31–2047 input elements.

I think some of these ideas originated in discussions with Darius Bacon, but I can’t remember.

Two text-editor-oriented examples


Text editors commonly want to know what column of the screen to display a character in, which depends on how many characters precede it on the same line. (And, possibly, how wide the screen currently is, and how wide those preceding characters are.) In the simple case we can compute this from the beginning of the editor buffer with a simple loop:

size_t col = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < point; i++) {
    if (buf[i] == '\n' || col == screen_width) col = 0;

The state of col after an iteration of the loop depends on its state before that iteration and on buf[i]; it is either 1 + old col or 0. Arbitrary compositions of such iterations give us either (n + old col) % screen_width or n % screen_width, so those are our monoidal “lifted values”. It’s reasonable to store only one out of every 1024 or so such values, and we could probably use the sign bit to distinguish between them (at the expense of not being able to handle a single buffer occupying more than half of your address space), so we can probably use a single pointer-sized word for a lifted value.

In C we probably have to manually compile that into fiddly integer manipulation, so here is the composition function in OCaml, for clarity:

type lifted = Absolute of int | Relative of int
let compose left right = match (left, right) with
| _,          Absolute n -> Absolute n
| Absolute m, Relative n -> Absolute (m + n)
| Relative m, Relative n -> Relative (m + n)

# compose (Absolute 8) (Absolute 5) ;;
- : lifted = Absolute 5
# compose (Absolute 8) (Relative 5) ;;
- : lifted = Absolute 13
# compose (Relative 8) (Relative 5) ;;
- : lifted = Relative 13
# compose (Relative 8) (Absolute 5) ;;
- : lifted = Absolute 5

You can fire off a background thread upon opening a file to precalculate these values for the whole file, and then incrementally maintain them thereafter in the face of insertions and deletions. Moreover, since one of the cases of the composition function doesn’t even depend on the left side, you can calculate it lazily backwards from a given position in the file — you need only search backwards until you find the beginning of a line.

Syntax highlighting

Text editors commonly do syntax highlighting based on data like which identifiers are in scope at a given point, and what their types are, and at least a tokenization of the source code, though sometimes not a full parse (since, after all, we don’t want our syntax highlighting to entirely disappear if the input has a parsing error somewhere off the screen). Lexical scanning of the input is usually done with a DFA, or a slight extension of a DFA, for example to accommodate shell-script here-documents (the input for <<wibble ends at the first line that says wibble) or Lua fat parentheses (a string starting with [=======[ continues to the next ]=======], where 7 has any value).

Considering purely the DFA case, we can consider the “lifted value” of a string to be the mapping from the state the DFA is in at the beginning of the string to the state that it’s in at the end of the string. If the DFA has 16 states or less, we can represent such a mapping in a 64-bit register, since it contains 16 nybbles.

In this case the mapping tends to pretty quickly converge on a function that ignores its input, although there are exceptions. C doesn’t have nested comments or multiline strings, so as soon as you see a newline you know you’re not in a string, and as soon as you see a */ outside of a string you know you’re not in a comment, so in C typically you can calculate the precise DFA state before going back too far. OCaml, by contrast, does have nested comments, so, in theory, to highlight any position in the file, you have to go back to the beginning of the file to ensure you’re not inside of one. You can’t tokenize it with a strict DFA.

The identifiers that are in scope at a given point can similarly be adduced, typically, by calculating a “lifted value” that is either a stack of identifiers that are in scope at various levels of scope stacked on top of whatever was in scope at the beginning of the substring, or a count of scopes to pop. So, for example, in a C-like language, this string

    int x = 3;
        int y = 4;
        int z = 5;

might lift to the stack effect [{}, {x: var}, {y: var, z: var}], augmented with a bit of scanner information; meanwhile the string


might lift to an instruction to pop three stack levels of declarations.

Languages like JS that have entities without forward declarations cannot be handled in this fashion; they need a preliminary pass over the whole file first to index the declarations.
