Truth table search

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-12-09 (11 minutes)

If you read down the output column of the NOR truth table, you get 1110, binary 14. The corresponding column of the AND truth table is 0111, binary 7. In C-derived languages, 14 ^ 7 = 9, binary 1001, the output column of XNOR’s truth table, and 14 & 7 = 5, binary 0110, XOR. Correspondingly (A NOR B) XOR (A AND B) = A XNOR B, and (A NOR B) AND (A AND B) = A XOR B.

In this way on a modern CPU we can combine truth tables of up to 6 inputs in a single instruction, computing the result of combining two Boolean functions with a Boolean operator. We could imagine building up a database of optimal circuits for all Boolean functions of up to, say, 5 inputs (32 bits per truth table, thus 4'294'967'296 possible functions.) Then, if we want to know how to compute any of these functions, we can just look up the optimal circuit in the database. We might have different databases for different design criteria; for example, the circuit with the smallest number of NAND gates might not be the one with the smallest propagation delay, and if we additionally have AND or XOR gates we can produce smaller circuits in many cases.

It might be reasonable to build such a database for 6 or more inputs if we could exploit some kind of simple normalization. Some functions, such as XOR and “threshold” functions like AND, OR, and majority, don’t care if you permute their inputs, but other functions do. For three inputs, for example, ~A & (~B | C) gives truth table 0xd0, but other permutations of the same inputs give truth tables 0xb0, 0xc4, 0x8c, 0x8a, and 0xa2. With five inputs you could have as many as 5! = 120 functions that are equivalent under permutation of inputs, and presumably most possible functions don’t have the kind of special symmetry that XOR have, so you could imagine that taking advantage of such input permutations would reduce the database size by two orders of magnitude. Then, before probing the database, you’d have to permute the bits in your truth table into the normal order — a simple criterion would be to take the truth table with the numerically lowest value, in this case 0x8a, (~C & (~B | A)).

Another kind of normalization that would be useful in many cases is a different kind of bit permutation: negating some or all of the inputs. If you negate the most significant bit of the input, for example, you swap the first and second halves of the truth table. In contexts where the negated input is just as easily available as the non-negated input, this negation comes for free. Even when it doesn’t come absoutely for free, this may be worth doing, because the cost is not large in many contexts. A counting argument suggests that this reduces the number of possibilities greatly: for 5 inputs we have 2³² possible functions. Of these, some depend on all of their inputs, while others depend on 4 inputs or less. The ones with 4 inputs or less can be expressed with a 4-input truth table plus a position (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4) for the ignored bit. There are only 2¹⁶ 4-input truth tables, and so only 5·2¹⁶ 6-input truth tables that ignore a bit; that’s less than 2¹⁹, which is 1/8192 of the total search space. The ones that depend on all 5 inputs usually (handwaving here!) have 2⁵ = 32 versions equivalent under input negations, and (I think) all have at least 2 equivalent versions. So we should expect a reduction of a factor of at least 2 and I think nearly 32 in the database size by this approach.

That’s not a rigorous argument, but it is at least strongly suggestive. Moreover I think these two kinds of normalization are complementary, and we should get at least a factor of 1000 database compression by combining them.

Also, of course, before probing the database we can check to see if we do have any don’t-care inputs. If so, we can probe a much smaller table, probably in RAM.

I thought about also tabulating all the especially low-cost circuits for a larger number of inputs, but I think it may not be practical. Consider tabulating low-cost circuits with 6 bits of input: you need at least 5 minimal-cost gates, if they’re binary gates (or your circuit has less than 6 bits of input), and so at a minimum you have the binary trees on 6 inputs, maybe multiplied by the 5th power of the number of types of gates. I think you exceed the number of possible 5-bit truth tables by a lot rather soon. (But I haven’t done the calculation.)

If you have a 32-entry truth table to probe for that contains a few don’t-care entries, the brute-force way to handle them is to probe the database for the 2, 4, 8, 16, etc., entries they correspond to, normalizing each possibility in turn. If the database isn’t normalized in the way I described earlier, you may be able to get some mileage out of contiguity properties of indices: by permuting the truth table so that the don’t-care bits are toward the end of your search key, all the entries that could match will be physically close together in the database index. This would permit larger numbers of don’t-care entries in the search key without totally losing locality.

As for actually building the database, a simple approach is basically Dijkstra’s algorithm, a breadth-first search using a queue: initially enqueue the trivial circuit (for example, for five inputs, a circuit with nets n0=0, n1=1, n2=in0, n3=in1, n4=in2, n5=in3, n6=in4), and upon dequeueing a circuit, do the following:

Probably some kind of circuit-normalization step would be useful to avoid enqueuing trivial permutations of already-enqueued or even already-processed circuits. Also, if the cost metric is something more complex than just “number of gates”, you might want to use a priority queue (by cost) rather than a regular FIFO queue. To find out when you’re done, you can maintain a second database of still-unachieved normalized 5-input truth tables, removing items from it as you find them.

I thought about trying to just do the graph traversal on truth tables, stored for example as 64-bit integers, rather than circuits — so, going back to my first example, if you knew that computing the truth table 14 takes c(14) = 1 gate, and computing 7 takes c(7) = 1 gate, then you can XOR them together (assuming XOR is one of your primitive gates) and get 9, with cost c(14) + c(7) + 1 = 3 gates. This runs into two problems:

So much for tabulating forward-chaining search results for a meet-in-the-middle attack. How can we chain backwards, though?

One omnipotent approach, ably explained by Darius Bacon in The Language of Choice, is the binary decision diagram: by choosing a Boolean variable to split the universe in half with first, we reduce the number of possibilities by half. So if we have a database of optimal circuits for all 5-bit-input Boolean functions, and we want a 6-bit Boolean function, we can pick one of the 6 bits to split our truth table in half with, probe the database twice, and combine the results with a MUX.

Moreover, we can quite plausibly do this six times to see if any of the six gives us a better result. On an SSD each probe might take 100 μs, so this might take 1.2 ms, while on spinning rust it might take a second.

This kind of MUX-based approach is probably reasonable up to somewhere around 3 more bits of input, so up to 8 bits of input if we have a table of circuits for all 5-bit functions. It’s still fast and guaranteed to work at that point and well beyond, but beyond that I think it’s going to usually synthesize circuits that are worse than optimal by an order of magnitude or more.

I’m not sure how else to do backward chaining. Maybe you could consider partitioning the input bits into subsets. You could divide 9 input bits, for example, into 1 bit and 8 others (9 ways), 2 bits and 7 others (36 ways), 3 bits and 6 others (336 ways), or 4 bits and 5 others (4536 ways). It might turn out that some single-bit function of those 5 bits can be combined with the other 4 bits to produce the 512-row truth table we’re looking for.

Somehow for backward chaining we need to be searching for simpler component functions, truth tables that are functions of fewer inputs. Large blocks of zeroes or ones suggest the possibility of AND or OR with a function of fewer bits — then on the other input of the AND or OR those bits become don’t-cares.
