Scraping Sciencemadness

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-10-01 (updated 02020-10-05) (4 minutes)

I want to snarf some of sciencemadness before it goes down, such as:

Initial look at URL patterns

That thread is in forum 2, which has 216 pages such as They link to pages like which may themselves have page numbers. Sometimes they link to attachments like and include images like

There’s the risk that a thread in that forum might link to a thread in another forum, and then another, etc., but I think that mostly won’t happen.

First stab at crawling

So some regexps would be something like


So I think the command is something like this:

time wget -r -l inf -np --regex-type pcre -w 17 --retry-connrefused \
  --accept-regex 'http://www\.sciencemadness\.org/talk/(?:images/.*|files\.php\?pid=\d+&aid=\d+|viewthread\.php\?tid=\d+|forumdisplay\.php\?fid=2(&page=\d+))' \

I can't use -N because the messageboard doesn’t provide Last-Modified. -nc doesn’t do the right thing because wget doesn’t know to reparse the on-disk forum indexes. I have to use -l inf because the default is 5.

Happily they do have a robots.txt that implicitly allows this kind of mirroring.

The above does end up with a bunch of duplicates:

etc. So far this is only a minor irritant, a tarpit that has sucked up 21 out of the 190 files I’ve snarfed so far on a single thread; wget isn’t smart enough to notice that these are all just redirects to things like

This suggests that maybe the regexp is not being required to match the whole URL, just the beginning (or maybe anywhere). Also I hadn’t allowed the &page= on the viewthread regexp at the time, so I guess it’s pretty certain.

A second attempted crawl

All right, trying again; seems to be working better now:

time wget -r -l inf -np --regex-type pcre -w 17 --retry-connrefused \
  --accept-regex 'http://www\.sciencemadness\.org/talk/(?:images/.*|files\.php\?pid=\d+&aid=\d+|viewthread\.php\?tid=\d+(?:&page=\d+)?|forumdisplay\.php\?fid=2(?:&page=\d+)?)$' \

(Apologies for the poorly formatted regexp. Probably (?x:...) formatting across lines would have been a good idea...)

Initially I tried it with -w 1.7 until I was sure I’d fixed that problem. Now, half a gig later, it seems to be doing okay, though some images have been uploaded twice. Maybe --page-requisites would be a good idea but I don’t know how it interacts with --accept-regex. Maybe also -k --adjust-extension would also be useful.

After 20-some hours this seems to be doing okay with something like 1200 thread pages in 700 threads and 3000 attachments successfully downloaded, totaling 1.1 GB:

while :; do
    echo "$(ls talk/|grep -Po 'tid=\d+'|sort -u | wc -l)" \
         "$(ls talk/|grep -Po 'tid=\d+(?:&page=\d+)?'|sort -u | wc -l)" \
         "$(ls talk/|grep -Po 'aid=\d+'|sort -u | wc -l)"
    sleep 10m

There are a few cases where the same file is downloaded under two different attachment IDs, resulting in some bloat, but it seems to be a minority of the total.

The pagination of the forum goes up to page 216, and I think it’s 30 threads per page, suggesting that the total number of threads is a bit under 6500, and so I’m something like 11% done. (If so, I’m going to run out of space on this disk.)

Aha, in fact it says on the front page of the forum: 98022 posts in 6460 threads (“topics”). Total stats: 36333 topics, 497573 posts, 288119 members. So the forum I’m snarfing is about 20% of the total number of posts, and I’m about 10% or 15% done with it.

I was missing this file:

wget -x

And this directory:

wget -r -w 21 -np

...which turns out to have a lot of interesting stuff in it. And actually the default -l 5 wasn’t enough, snarfing only 499 MB in 2249 files.

After another day I’m up to 1412 threads, 2236 pages, and 6201 attachments, 2.1 gigabytes; one quarter done with this forum.

After another day my netbook crashed, and wget can’t recover, so I need to find a better way to spider the site.
