Skip list variants

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-10-12 (4 minutes)

Skip lists are generalized sorted linked lists that incorporate logarithmic-time insertion, deletion, and search. In their normal form, the link pointers point in only one direction, let's say forward. The generalization is that each node has a "height", a positive integer chosen randomly from an exponential distribution, which tells how many pointers it will contain. The height-1 pointers are the usual linked-list pointers, but the other pointers skip nodes; a height-P pointer, instead of pointing to the next node, points to the next node of height P or greater.

Skip lists are transposed, randomized B-trees. You take a B-tree, replace all of its adjacency relationships within B-tree nodes with a previous or next pointer — turning the node into a doubly-linked list — and then replace all child pointers with new adjacency relationships. (You can treat the child pointers as going to the first piece of the split-up child node, or the last — it doesn't matter, as long as the other pieces are reachable from it.) Now you have a skip list, but an unorthodox one, with fairly regular spacing between nodes of the same height.

The B-tree invariant that each node has between N and M keys translates into a new invariant in these lists: if you can reach a previous node by following a single pointer at height P, then it will take between N and M hops by following a single pointer at height P - 1.

You can do the usual operations of insertion and deletion, including appending, on such a list without violating its invariants. Whenever you create a node containing a pointer at height P - 1, you must check to see how many nodes surround it that do not contain a pointer at height P. If there aren't enough, you need to extend the node to height P, then repeat the process.

(It is by no means clear that this is superior to the standard approach of picking a random height for each new node, but it gives a one-to-one mapping to B-trees maintaining their usual invariants. Clearly you can use the skip-list random-level approach with the B-tree layout as well.)

A somewhat inconvenient aspect of the standard skip-list implementation is that the nodes are many different sizes, which is more difficult for dynamic memory allocation (and some type systems) to handle. It's reasonable to ask if there's a way to avoid this.

If the distribution of heights is 50% 1, 25% 2, 12½% 3, and so on, then the mean height will be 2. You could maybe provide 2 link fields per node, which sounds like... a binary search tree!

So here's an idea. What if you assign heights as before, but only have two pointers per node: one to the immediately next node, the other to the next node of a larger height than the immediately next node? (I also thought of "of a larger height than the current node," and "preceding a node of a larger height than the immediately next node" and such things.) This ought to permit rapid traversal in essentially the same manner as an ordinary skip list.

XXX try it

Clearly you can also just sort of bulldoze the pointers of an ordinary skip list across the following nodes, so a node of height 4 will have a heigh-4 pointer, then be followed with a node with a height-3 pointer, then one with a height-2 pointer, and then if either of those nodes had a height of more than 1 themselves, then the corresponding pointer will be pushed onto the next node. The difficulty with this variant is that insertion and deletion is no longer cheap.
