Single output build

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-05-19 (4 minutes)

Some build systems and dependency systems support build steps that produce multiple outputs. Make, on the other hand, identifies each build step with a single build artifact produced by that build step. This is a better approach.

An apparent benefit of multiple-output build steps is efficiency: perhaps the same compilation that produces an object file also produces, for example, a listing file, and producing them separately requires essentially running the compilation twice, with the same optimization settings (and all potential sources of nondeterminism removed.) The solution for this problem is to make an output directory be the resulting build artifact, containing both files.

The dependencies (inputs) of a build step can be determined by interposition, for example watching the system calls performed in order to find out what files are being opened. If the build step succeeds or fails at some point, then as long as it is deterministic, we can be sure that it will succeed or fail again with precisely the same results as long as none of the environment it observed while running has changed. In particular, this means that it is okay if it would have read some other potential input file if it had not encountered an earlier error — changes in that other potential input file will not change the error. And it is perfectly okay to read references from one input file, such as foo.c, to another, such as foo.h; as long as foo.c does not change, the resulting dependency set remains static.

Multiple outputs of a build step are, by contrast, messier. What happens if two separate possible build steps can create the same file? What happens if a build step creates a file on one occasion, but due to a change in its inputs, not on another? It’s better to steer clear of such messy issues.

Although it may be most convenient to support a traditional filesystem API for producing build artifacts, it isn’t necessary. Suppose we are constrained to produce one file per rule, as the standard output of a build script, but the build step runs inside an isolated filesystem bubble whose contents are discarded once it finishes. Then we can handle the above listing+object case as follows, using Make syntax but for convenience with inputs inferred as described above:

    gcc -g -Wa,-adhlns=foo.lst -c foo.c
    tar cf - foo.lst foo.o

    tar xf foo.tar foo.lst
    cat foo.lst

    tar xf foo.tar foo.o
    cat foo.o

You can do the same thing within a single process, but it generally takes more than two short lines of code to express it. And you could imagine a memory-centric version of this where the “foo.tar” output was in the format of a segment of (sharable, read-only) memory, and foo.lst and foo.o were “subsegments” of it. So this approach doesn’t depend on the use of the filesystem.

Why might you want to split out a build artifact into multiple pieces this way? After all, any computation you can do on the basis of foo.o above can also be done on the basis of foo.tar. I think there are two reasons: decoupling and caching.

The linker should not be coupled to the fact that the compiler is generating a listing file. Rather, it should be insulated from that information. It should not have to fish the object code it’s interested in out of a larger file containing mostly things it’s not interested in. That’s decoupling.

Moreover, if you make a change to the source code or the build script that doesn’t change the object file, only the listing file, it would be nice to avoid rerunning the linker. If the linker doesn’t even open the listing, we know it can’t depend on its contents. So we can use the linker’s cached output.
