Penalized bits

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-09-10 (3 minutes)

In topology optimization, you typically design a structure for maximum rigidity by beginning with a block of fog and then using gradient descent to minimize a penalty function which has a few different terms: one for the structural property of interest (such as rigidity under a given load), one for regularization of the problem to rule out physically-unrealizable checkerboard solutions full of discontinuities, and a third fog-penalty term which forces the elements toward 100% density and 0% density and away from 50% density, again preferring physically-realizable models.

What if you apply the same approach to bits? Suppose, for example, that you want to find the representation of an integer n in binary. You could start with 32 real numbers initially set to 0.5, then use gradient descent or something to optimize |2⁰v₀ + 2¹v₁ + 2²v₂ + ... + 2³¹v₃₁ - n|² + αΣᵢvᵢ²(1-vᵢ)², for example. This function’s only zero (for real vᵢ and positive α) should be the correct binary representation of the number. At all other points it takes on strictly positive values, and it’s differentiable everywhere. Moreover, although I haven’t looked, I think it’s convex, so its only local minimum is the global minimum. So it should be tractable for gradient descent. Certainly gradient descent with random restarts should always solve it, though if the random restarts are actually required then maybe it would take an exponentially large time for such problems. Genetic algorithms should have no trouble solving it in a reasonable amount of time.

Now, although it’s I hope at least highly plausible that the above approach will work for such a simple problem, think about more interesting Boolean functions. For example, given a binary multiplication algorithm, the above approach can probably do division, or, more interestingly, a square root. Can it do LDPC decoding? How about inverting other less tractable functions on bitvectors, like a round of SHA-256? If you write down some inputs and outputs of a branch-free block of instructions for some CPU, and express the execution of a few arbitrary instructions as a similar Boolean function of those instructions’ bits, can it do superoptimization?

Purely agnostic approaches like this — perhaps we should say “knowledge-free” or “ignorant”, or “assumption-free” if we want to use a euphemism — will surely be inefficient for many problems, even if they can solve them at all. Suppose we train a neural network on the distribution of plausible solutions, as explored by Lunz, Öktem, and Schoenlieb for inverse imaging problems: as we apply ad-hoc penalties in topological optimization to solutions containing fog and singularities, we can train various kinds of neural networks to recognize the structure of plausible solutions, using them to penalize unlikely solutions, such as superoptimized code containing invalid instructions. This way our search can probably converge much more quickly than a purely ignorant search that doesn’t know a multiplication from a superoptimization.
