One big text file

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-06-04 (updated 02020-06-06) (20 minutes)

Here’s an interesting idea for how to do Derctuo: a giant WYSIWYG document whose source format is a plain text file including data, code, text, and formatting in a single document, potentially of 128 mebibytes or more; but with computational output rigidly segregated to a cache management system.


Danny O’Brien’s Life Hacks

The immediate inspiration for this is Danny O’Brien’s “Life Hacks” ethnographic research finding the widespread use of One Huge Text File. He found that many of his interviewees maintained all their notes in a single humongous text file, which they navigated by text search. On a modern computer, Emacs incremental-search is capable of searching through hundreds of megabytes per second, so it’s rare to even need any indexing.


Eric Raymond’s “Volks-Hypertext” browser for the Jargon File demonstrated how to improvise a fairly instantaneous hypertext system atop a large text file: the text file was rendered in more or less the usual way, but keywords in curly braces like “{grok}” were treated as links to a line beginning with “:grok:”, and the file was preprocessed to generate an index of all such lines after the fashion of ctags, with byte offsets stored. Searching the index file and jumping to a given byte offset was reliably fast, even in MS-DOS on a 386.


The cult semistructured database askSam has barely more structure: an askSam file is a collection of records, which are just free text strings up to a few kilobytes in size, with fields defined by searching for the field name followed by square brackets — everything on top of that is added by the askSam query language. A full-text index makes relatively powerful queries acceptably fast.

Alph and Halp

Darius Bacon’s Alph (A literate programming hack) and Halp systems automatically re-evaluate all the specially-marked code in a document upon demand, placing the resuls of each snippet after the snippet itself.


Org-mode adds a little bit of lubrication to text-file viewing: the Emacs outline-mode ability to collapse and expand sections of the file, but with more pleasant keybindings. And it also has magic syntax for inserting hyperlinks: [[][example URL]] displays just as an underlined “example URL”, but links to the given URL, and it also supports links to places within the file. Org-mode’s “src blocks” offer the possibility to display textual or graphical output inline in the editing buffer.

Cassowary and TeX

Cassowary is a constraint-based layout system that offers perhaps a bit less power than CSS, but has extremely efficient algorithms to execute it. (I haven’t actually tried it.) TeX, too, has extremely efficient layout algorithms which also produce somewhat nicer results than CSS.

WordPerfect Reveal Codes

Before Microsoft Windows, WordPerfect was the most popular word processing software, and its users’ favorite feature was a thing called “Reveal Codes”, which split the screen into one half with the WYSIWYGish text you were editing at the top and a complete representation of the word processor’s underlying representation at the bottom, with formatting markup displayed in between bits of text. This made it easy to see why your document was formatting incorrectly and fix it.

Lotus 1-2-3

Lotus 1-2-3 displays the tabular output of a program written by the user by defining formulas in cells. It analyzes the dependencies between the cells to discover as safe dependency order to recalculate them in when there is a change, and it only displays the source code of the cell you are editing at a given moment. It imitated VisiCalc, the “killer app”, but its dependency-order recalculation was new.

Jupyter notebooks

Jupyter’s “notebook interface” is an enhanced REPL which permits the inline display of graphics, text formatted with LaTeX or HTML, etc., as results of the REPL commands (“cells”). It is accessible via HTTP or HTTPS, allowing people to share code easily. Also, it stores the output in the same text file as the code in the cells, even when it is graphical or irreproducible.

Jupyter has become the standard interface to programming for an enormous number of people nowadays. But it has some serious drawbacks: the output displayed may not be up to date with the code in the file, re-evaluating the whole file may not be safe (it’s common for people to put utility scripts in notebooks that do things like wipe a database), the output being interpolated into the source code makes the notebook files bulky and difficult to version-control with systems like Git, it’s awkward to reuse code, and normally you have to start out the notebook with a bunch of preliminary noise like module imports.

Explorable explanations

“Explorable explanations” are, mostly, web pages containing interactive visualizations of algorithms; the best ones I’ve seen are Amit Patel’s, for example his visualization of A* pathfinding or of generating terrain with Perlin noise. Mike Bostock, the author of d3.js, has written many excellent explorable explanations as well. The objective is to explain how a given algorithm works by means of exhibiting its internal functioning on example data. Bret Victor has explored much of this territory as well, for example with his visualization of Nile, and articulated guiding principles for the field: that people engaging in creativity should be able to get instant feedback on the implications and results of their ideas.


ObservableHQ is Mike Bostock’s exploration of how the notebook interface could be improved. It uses a slight extension of JS as its language, its cells each define a single value, and like Lotus 1-2-3, they are evaluated in dependency order.

R-Markdown and R Notebooks

Yihui Xie’s R-Markdown is a system (included in the free-software R Studio, but also invocable from the command line) which extends Markdown with embedded chunks of code in the R statistical programming language and textual and graphical output produced by that code; the code is optionally not visible in the output (echo=FALSE). By default, this “knitting” of the source R-Markdown document into a PDF or HTML output with the graphics is a batch process, but for some time R Studio has also had the option to evaluate these embedded code blocks interactively with control-shift-enter, sending its output to the R Studio console pane. Because the chunks are normally run in order, it is up to the author to track the dependencies between them and topologically sort them in the file and to re-execute dependent chunks when changing a thing they depend on.

However, recent version of R Studio have added an “R Notebook” mode which displays the outputs of code blocks inline in an R-Markdown document (whether textual or graphical), instead of in a separate pane. Rerunning the code and thus updating these outputs after changing the code continues to require an explicit run-current-chunk command, so the author is still responsible for keeping track of the dependencies.

Unlike Jupyter, R Studio stores the output from the embedded code in a separate file: an “R notebook” named foo.Rmd will have an accompanying foo.nb.html which includes the text and graphics generated from it, while foo.Rmd itself contains only the human-authored source code. Xie’s explicit ambition is to improve the reproducibility of computational research.

make and other build systems

Stu Feldman’s make program, included with the UNIX operating system for the PDP-11, is directed at accelerating the feedback programmers need to improve their programs: by caching the results of compiling parts of the program, automatically determining which parts of the program have been edited since they were last compiled, make can greatly accelerate the process of rebuilding the program after a small change. It does this in an almost wholly compiler-agnostic fashion: like ObservableHQ, it only knows how to produce each of the intermediate results in the build process by invoking some opaque code, and what the inputs to that code are. make does this at the granularity of files and batch program invocations, while ObservableHQ does it at the granularity of variables and snippets of code, but modern software like Lucet can reduce the overhead of starting and stopping a program to under 100μs, while modern software like FlatBuffers or HDF can reduce the overhead of a program consulting serialized input data structures to a minimum.

A limitation of make is that its knowledge of dependencies is not reliable --- it relies on the programmer to describe the dependencies in a “Makefile”, but usually the Makefile fails to capture the full dependency graph. For example, it is common for make to be unaware that an object-code file depends on header files within a project describing the ABI of other object-code files, a case for which various “makedepend” systems have been devised; also, though, the object-code files depend on system header files external to the project and on the version of the compiler used, in the sense that different object code would be emitted if the compiler or system header files had been a different version. The fallback response to all of these problems is make clean, a conventional phony build target whose “build rule” deletes all the files created by the whole build process so that a subsequent execution of make will regenerate everything from the virgin source code.

Other build systems, such as Apollo DSEE, its imitation Vesta, their imitation ClearCase, Nix/Guix, Gitlab-CI, Urbit, and the popular Docker, instead run the build steps in an environment more or less isolated from anything that isn’t explicitly provided to that build step as an input. Because of the limitations of determinism in conventional computing systems, these systems do still sometimes fail to deliver full bitwise reproducibility, but they do aspire to it, except possibly for Gitlab-CI.




Konrad Hinsen’s ActivePapers research effort XXX

The Java Virtual Machine

The JVM’s WORA aspirations XXX

Geometer’s Sketchpad, KSEG, and GeoGebra

Falstad’s Circuit.js


So suppose we have a thing that is “really” just a huge text file, but formatted in a WYSIWYG format like a book, and structured hierarchically into sections and subsections in an org-mode-like way. It uses a layout algorithm with good efficiency and adequate power. You can include snippets of code into the file, easily toggling whether the WYSIWYG view displays the code, its output, or both; output can even be easily interpolated into the middle of a paragraph, with a construct something like ${foo}. The code can easily run various kinds of ad-hoc queries on the file’s own contents. Bits of code defined in one section of the file can be invoked from other sections, although a hierarchical namespacing mechanism limits visibility and makes it easy to track dependencies. It’s easy to define data tables and add computed columns to them, and use the data in those columns in other computations. The file can define user interfaces for things like drawing geometrical compass-and-straightedge constructions, RPN calculations, or schematic capture, and the data thus created becomes part of the text file — and then it can be used as input to other code.

The output of code is strictly segregated from the “source” text file, which contains only things the author explicitly chose to put into it, but the code is deterministic and the outputs are cached in a file off to the side so that they can be redisplayed without recalculating them.

You can toggle between a “source” view, which shows the full contents of the file, and the WYSIWYG view, or have both displayed at once.

The idea is that it should scale to 8 mebibytes or more of text written by a single author and perhaps 128 mebibytes of other data imported into the file from elsewhere: a personal memex, but taking advantage of the computer’s power to augment human intellect through more than just copying and retrieval of information. A smooth path allows ideas to gradually be solidified and explored: from back-of-the-envelope calculations through sketches and simple simulations through to refactoring into reusable parameterized models.

A crucial question for navigation is how interactive searching of outputs works. If you stick to searching only the source-code form of the file, searching can be very fast, but in many cases you will be missing the most interesting data. On the other hand, that data can be immense and full of things that are essentially random noise.

Interactivity and persistence

Above I said that computational output is rigidly segregated to a cache management system — the code within the document cannot mutate the document. Only the user can do that. How can this be reconciled with the need to add sketches, photographs, geometrical constructions, circuits, DAGs, cellular automaton configurations, and the like? Surely the user cannot always be expected to type in text from which they can be computed!

Ephemeral explorable explanations like Amit Patel’s A* examples mentioned earlier pose no problem for this model at all. A code chunk can evaluate to a function from (x, y) pairs to (r, g, b) colors, for example, to produce an infinitely zoomable, pannable image; that function (call it a “paint method”) can run in an environment where it has no authority to access any state other than (x, y) coordinates of requested pixels or to mutate anything outside of its own local state. Mouse coordinates and time can be provided to a paint method in a similarly stateless fashion, as they are on Shadertoy.


The movable blob position requires at least some state to persist from one call to the next; this can be handled by an object consisting of a pair of pure functions: one that maps a (current state, user input event) pair to a new state (call this the “react method”), and another that maps the current state to an image or animation (the paint method from before).

This kind of state turns out to be sufficient to implement things like Falstad’s Circuit.js! (However, such simulations additionally benefit from some kind of way to maintain their simulation state from frame to frame, even when there is no user interaction to react to; for the time being I will ignore this.)

Suppose we call this new persistent state, which can change in response to things like clicks and keystrokes, the “fragment”; it’s analogous to the #fragment in an URL on the WWW. Accordingly, it provides the surrounding framework with the freedom to measure its persistent memory consumption, pause it, save a fragment, go back in time by reverting changes to the fragment (undo), explore alternatives from an earlier fragment (nonlinear undo), and copy and paste the fragment to somewhere else in the document. This is sufficient for things like sketching illustrations, self-contained circuit modeling, or doing geometrical constructions. Indeed, given camera access, it could even be sufficient for taking photos. (There’s no reason the fragment needs to be limited in size like URL fragments traditionally are.)

The fragment itself is part of the source format document, just a part that can be edited by the widget’s embedded code, subject to the restrictions above about undo and the like.

Methods other than “paint” and “react” could provide requested layout sizes or render the “widget” as a series of boxes rather than a single window onto a canvas.

However, so far all of this focuses on applet-like content: a calculator, compass-and-straightedge interaction, or circuit simulator, displayed in a window with text flowed around it, or perhaps overlapping part of it. It doesn’t cover the kind of interaction you’d want for data visualization, much less a general computing platform: you want that calculated result to be accessible for further calculations elsewhere in the document! And you want to be able to feed the circuit you’ve modeled to other analysis functions that you write on the fly. You want the data to be open and accessible, not sealed inside an opaque Actor.

Darius Bacon points out that if the “fragment” state is some more structured thing, such as a state of, say, a relational database, it might be easier to deal with the opacity problem. Maybe it would be easy enough to say something like drawing2.points[3].x elsewhere in the document. (Formats other than relational data might be usable too, such as JSON structures, but they tend to vary more over time as navigational data is included.)

Blossoming forms

XXX rewrite

Interactive blocks, HTML forms, BASIC with line numbers, and HP 3000 terminals suggest a somewhat unrelated approach. I tried to write a FORTRAN program on the HP 3000 that the local computer museum got up and running. An interesting thing about the HP 3000 terminals is that they can do local editing, and apparently text files in their system have line numbers, like in old BASICs. So, the editor on the host is a pretty dopey line-mode thing similar to ed, but it includes the line numbers before the lines it prints out. So, locally to the terminal you can go up with the arrow keys into the scrollback buffer and edit one of those lines, interactively, inserting and deleting in a WYSIWYG way, and hit enter to send it back to the host. When you send it back to the host it has the line number still attached, and the editor interprets that as a command to replace the contents of that line number.

GW-BASIC did this too. Maybe Applesoft BASIC too?

HTML forms are kind of the same thing except that the line numbers are words and they're hidden. You could imagine an interactive block that's sort of similar to an HTML form but maybe without the submission delay to run code to see results, and you could imagine it having buttons in it that, when clicked, blossom out into new nested formlets there in place. As long as all the code can do is display its results, or blossom out into more little bomblets, the degree of danger is pretty limited.

However, can this approach really handle things like sketching with the mouse or a stylus, or schematic capture?

Naked objects



To Darius Bacon for discussion of these ideas.
