Modelica notes

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-07-06 (updated 02020-07-07) (9 minutes)

I haven’t found a good explanation of what Modelica is, so here’s my effort. It’s a multi-domain textual language for numerical simulation of models of continuous-time systems hierarchically composed of lumped elements whose behavior is specified through acausal equations. It is particularly suited for designed physical systems such as machines or chemical plants. (Sometimes the term “cyber-physical systems” is used to emphasize the importance of control systems.) Also, it has aspects to facilitate graphical display of the models as block-and-line diagrams, and comes with a large library of standard components. Its fundamental basis is ordinary differential algebraic equations of finite dimensionality, but it also supports hybrid simulation with discrete events.

Here’s my effort to explain my understanding of what this means, bearing in mind that I’ve never used Modelica, so some of this may be laughably wrong.


The aspects of interest of a machine such as a bicycle commonly span domains such as the mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic, and even digital, with interactions between them. A bicycle may have mechanical aspects such as the transmission of power from the pedals to the wheels through the sprockets, electrical aspects such as the generation of power for lights from wheel hub generators and its storage in batteries, thermal aspects such as the generation of heat in a braking disc, hydraulic aspects if the braking system is hydraulic, and digital aspects if there are sensors like a speedometer or actuators like a brushless hub motor.

Modelica can describe models that cross these different domains; however, typically each component only exists in one or two domains. For example, a copper pipe might have mass, three-dimensional orientation, electrical resistance, thermal mass, and hydraulic roughness and diameter, thus crossing several domains; but typically is only modeled in one or two of these domains. I think this is because Modelica simulators typically refuse to simulate if there are some variables whose values they cannot determine, so using such a multi-domain component is a nuisance, since it obligates you to describe all the domains at once.

Consequently there is, for example, a Resistor component in the standard library, and also a cross-domain HeatingResistor component, which has a temperature and a thermal port. I think that if you use the HeatingResistor component you end up having to connect the thermal port.

This also brings up a potentially larger issue, which is the closed-world assumption of Modelica models: more or less inevitably they assume that you have included all the important aspects in your model.

Numerical simulation

Given a model written in Modelica, implementations such as OpenModelica can run one or many simulations of the model over some time period from specified initial conditions. These simulations can be quite precise; for example, the standard Berkeley SPICE3 set of components, is included in the standard library, and its accuracy has been validated to some extent against SPICE3 itself.

However, there are a number of other things you might want to do with a model other than simulate it. You might want to do “model identification” to estimate the model’s parameters from measurements of a real system; you might want to validate some behavior of the model for all possible scenarios rather than just one (for example, showing that the model is unconditionally stable); you might want to optimize the model to find out what parameter settings are in some sense “best”; you might want to rigorously prove that two models are equivalent, or show how they differ; and so on. As far as I can tell, Modelica implementations do not typically support these other possible operations, or give them much lower priority. Even operations on the differential-equation system other than initial-value problems are generally unsupported.

The nature of the simulation is fundamentally numerical; although discrete-time systems are supported, it’s not really the focus of Modelica, and I’m not clear that you’re going to be able to write a compiler or something in it. I don’t think there’s any way to create new objects during the course of the simulation.


Fundamentally Modelica reduces your model, or at least the continuous-time part of it, to a set of differential algebraic equations which it can then numerically integrate with methods like Runge–Kutta. So most of your model variables theoretically take on an infinite number of values during the simulation. This separates your model from the solver, allowing you to apply different solvers to the same model.


A Modelica model can be used as an element in another, larger model; many models consist only of interconnected smaller models, containing no explicit equations of their own. So, for example, a hydroponic system might contain an irrigation system as an element, which contains pumps, pipes, and a feedback control subsystem; the control subsystem might contain a power supply, sensors, a microcontroller, and actuators; the power supply might contain diodes, inductors, optoisolators, transformers, resistors, and a buck controller; the buck controller might contain transistors, diodes, and resistors. Modelica can in theory model at all of these levels, reducing them all to a single system of differential algebraic equations for simulation.

I haven’t quite seen any Modelica models with that level of detail, but I’ve seen people describe a number that come close to it.


Although Modelica models are continuous in time, they are not continuous in space; the elements of the system are idealized to points. So Modelica cannot model a continuous heat distribution throughout a tank of water, a waveform moving through an electrical transmission line, or the stress distribution in a strut, although if you discretize these things yourself you can get it to simulate the discretized approximation.

In particular, I think there isn’t even a way in Modelica to model a delay of a continuous-time signal, such as you might get from an improperly terminated cable.

(However, I’ve seen people simulating, for example, the water-hammer effect in a pipe with the proprietary Modelica simulator SimulationX; I assume they’re using a discretized approximation of the pressure waves.)

Acausal equations

Modelica models are composed of (possibly differential) equations rather than causal relationships in which effects result from causes; the standard example of this is the equation V = IR for a resistor, from which you can calculate the current if you know the voltage, the voltage if you know the current; if you know neither a priori, you may still be able to incorporate it into a system of equations that eventually allow you to determine both, the simplest example being two resistors in series with a battery.

This is pretty essential not only in circuit analysis but in a variety of different domains: mechanical force and displacement are similarly interdependent in a steady-state spring, as is flow rate and pressure drop in a hydraulic system, for example.


Modelica supports compile-time units checking, but I’m not yet clear that its units support extends to full vector-space dimensional analysis.

Could you get faster simulation results with interval arithmetic, affine arithmetic, or especially reduced affine arithmetic?

I wish there was a way to describe an object like a hollow copper cylinder of such-and-such dimensions and have all of its properties potentially available — but only if you ask for them. For example: electrical resistance, flow resistance, cost, mass, stiffness, tensile strength, effective RF resistance with skin effect, volume, temperature, thermal insulation, and so on. I don’t think there’s a way to do this kind of thing in Modelica itself, but you could do it in a higher-level language that compiles to Modelica.

The other thing is that Modelica suffers a bit from the assembly-language disease where you have to invent a name for every intermediate value, worsened by the COBOL problem of DATA DIVISION. PROCEDURE DIVISION. A model or other class is divided into a section of variable declarations (which can instantiate other classes used as components — a circuit model, for example, might instantiate resistors and op-amps) and a section of equations, which can include connections between components. (There are some other miscellaneous sections that are sometimes present as well.) So, for example, in a circuit model you must give a name to every circuit component, even if it’s something like “R37”. The standard rebuttal to this complaint is that you should be using the graphical model editor anyway, which I do not find convincing.
