Migrating app snapshots

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-07-10 (updated 02020-07-11) (14 minutes)

Consider the problem of migrating a running program on demand to whatever computer you have handy. Perhaps a “master” copy of the program’s running image lives on a “home server”, and when you want to use a device, you take out a “lease” on the application’s image and start downloading it to the device and using it.

As a sort of reference case, I have a newly installed Ubuntu virtual machine which consumes 11 gigabytes on disk and is configured with 2 gibibytes of RAM, and I’m using a 20Mbps Argentine internet connection at the moment. Downloading these 13 gigabytes of data to a local machine would take about an hour and a half.

However, you might be able to reduce this time in a number of ways:

  1. You might be able to demand-page it to some extent, prioritizing the transfer of blocks of the memory or disk image that the application is blocking on to download first. This way you might be able to use the virtual machine considerably earlier than an hour and a half. (Of course, some kind of prefetch strategy could make demand-paging work a lot better.)

  2. You might be able to cache it. If the image is organized as a (materialized) Merkle tree, then you can download only the blocks that aren’t already present locally; moreover, the rsync algorithm (ideally with a zsync-like precomputed index) may offer further benefits, allowing typical filesystem changes to be transferred very rapidly. Merkle-tree storage implies indexing the blocks of the image by a secure hash, which will automatically deduplicate them. After the base Ubuntu install, for example, I installed a bunch of development tools and some software projects in a derived image, which used only 2 gigabytes in the derived disk image, which would take only 13 minutes to transmit. (Probably some things changed in RAM, too, but I don’t have a good way to measure them.)

  3. You can compress the transferred data, using an algorithm like gzip (LZ77) or LZSS. For example, the 11-gigabyte Ubuntu install mentioned above gzips to only 4.2 gigabytes, reducing the initial setup time to about 40 minutes (including RAM); the 2-gigabyte derived image — the deltas to set up a development environment  — compresses to 1.03 gigabytes, about seven minutes.

  4. You can run the app on the server while the transfer is happening, transmitting screen images and input events over the network in parallel with the streaming of the memory image. This of course means that the image is being partly invalidated while it’s being transferred, but this measure may be enough to reduce the pause by orders of magnitude. If the app’s rate of invalidating pages is lower than the available bandwidth, for a long enough period of time for the previously invalidated pages to be transferred, the pause will be reduced to zero.

  5. You can get a faster internet connection. For example, if you have a 400Mbps connection instead of 20Mbps, the same transfer would take 5 minutes instead of an hour and a half.

  6. You can use less storage. For example, the Emacs process I’m typing this note in has a virtual memory size of 308 megabytes, of which 16 megabytes is resident; the 308 megabytes includes all of its shared libraries and Lisp code, though 250 megabytes of it is two mappings of the 125MB /usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache, which hasn’t changed in eight months and gzips to only 17 megabytes. So a full app snapshot of this Emacs process would take two minutes rather than an hour and a half, or 30 seconds with gzip, and if only the 16 megabytes were needed, it would take only six seconds.

  7. You can flush caches. Most in-memory application state is not vital and can be regenerated from other, more compact state — a decompressed image in BGRA can be regenerated from its JPEG, for example. If the application can be notified to flush caches in preparation for checkpointing, then everything gets easier. It probably isn’t necessary to have a special case for the Linux disk cache, though, since indexing by hash takes care of that already.

Leases, stealing, and committing

How would you get state back onto the home server? Unless you want to require every app to be written in terms of CRDTs or event sourcing, you need some kind of concurrency control, specifically mutual exclusion.

The most reasonable solution is to acquire a lease, a time-limited lock, on the application state you’re “checking out”. So when you start snarfing the dirty pages into your tablet, the tablet might acquire a three-hour lease it renews every hour. As long as it holds that lease, any attempt to check out the application state on another machine will fail, telling you to close it on your tablet first. When you close the application on the tablet, it releases its lease, so the lease terminates earlier than the three-hour deadline, which simply serves as a timeout to permit automatic recovery in case of device failure.

Periodically the tablet checkpoints the local state of the application locally, then (if still connected to the internet) begins streaming the dirty pages of that checkpoint back up to the server as a possible future commit. Once that checkpoint finishes streaming, it optionally commits it on the server, then makes a new checkpoint and starts streaming that one to the server. Since the checkpoint isn’t modified while it’s streaming, the streaming process is guaranteed to finish in finite time, however slow the connection, although it might take a long time on a slow connection. The state that is committed is always a consistent checkpoint from a single point in time, but it may be somewhat out of date.

So if your local device fails, you only lose the last few minutes of work; the rest, up to the last committed checkpoint, is saved on the server.

This approach permits internet-disconnected operation for a limited period of time as well, for which purpose you might want a longer lease, maybe a day or two up to a month or two. This poses the problem of what happens if the device owning the checkout is lost, stolen, or broken; in such a case you will want to steal the lease, so any state on the lost device becomes orphaned and cannot be committed to the original application image, though it can perhaps be committed as a new image that branched from the original.

“Read-only checkouts” are also useful: checkouts of the application image that succeed even if a lease is outstanding, acquire no lease themselves, and cannot commit, used for consulting data in the app without making (persistent) modifications to it.

Committing from an expired or orphaned lease or a read-only checkout can be allowed if no other commits have happened since the checkout and there is no lease outstanding.

Reasons for migrating

The main reasons for wanting to migrate a running app to the computer in your hand are (a) interaction latency, (b) disconnected operation, and (c) experimentation you might not want to deploy. The main reasons for wanting to migrate it to a server are (a) greater compute resources, (b) higher bandwidth and lower latency to the rest of the internet, (c) making it available to interact with other people, and (d) potential recovery from device failure.

So you could, for example, check out a website onto your netbook, modify some things about its setup while disconnected, test it locally to ensure it’s working as desired, then commit it to the server once you reconnect to the internet. Or you could stream checkpoints of your digital audio workstation to your home server so that if it breaks or gets stolen you suffer minimal interruption to your work. Or you could interactively edit a 3-D scene on your laptop in Blender, then migrate your Blender session to your rendering cluster to run faster overnight. Or your could periodically checkpoint a long-running compute job on a cluster, on individual machines or cluster-wide, saving the snapshots to a different machine in order to recover from partial failures.

An interesting special case is where the device you’re running on doesn’t have enough space for a whole snapshot, so it needs to occasionally demand-page in bits of the image while it’s running. This could make it feasible to run memory-hungry applications like Slack on machines with relatively little RAM, although swapping over the network like that can be slow.

Another sort of special case is where the “home server” is just a local disk, and effectively you’re just implementing checkpointing and software suspend. This should give you quicker boots (if you can circumvent slow BIOS/UEFI/Linux anyway) and, if you run out of battery, you’ll recover to the latest consistent checkpoint when you come back up.

More generally, you can have topologies other than a simple client-server topology; you could write out checkpoints to a local disk, which is streaming them to another server elsewhere, or you could have a distributed net of servers for block storage, leases, and commits, with some kind of quorum system for things that require consensus. Multiple clients on the same LAN can promiscuously share new blocks that might be useful for migration. And so on.

Security issues

Cloning a machine containing secrets, including entropy pool data, can lead to the inadvertent disclosure of secrets with many cryptosystems; for example, it can lead to nonce reuse, or the computation of multiple RSA keys containing common factors. It would be advisable to consider any such random numbers to be nonrandom after a checkpoint. Moreover, host-based security measures like retry limits and sleeps between wrong-password retries are entirely circumvented if the attacker can snapshot and replicate the host, but of course in that case the attacker owns the hardware and the game is over anyway.

The migrated state is subject to corruption from whatever host it’s been migrated to, so in effect the running application is trusting every host that has ever committed to it in the past; any of them can have inserted arbitrary malicious code into the imge. In theory a defender might be able to detect this, but in practice probably would not.

In the form described above, the application state is also entirely vulnerable to the server; a malicious server can steal information and make arbitrary modifications to it. If you were willing to give up the possibility of executing applications on the server, you could reduce this vulnerability to some extent by signing and encrypting the application state on the clients, perhaps even limiting the server’s powers to mere denials of service; you’d have to be careful about replay attacks, and it might not be possible to stop them entirely, and of course the amount and pattern of encrypted data blocks read and written might provide a malicious server with access to information we would prefer to conceal from it.

Concrete implementation approaches

QEMU’s CLI has “stop”, “cont”, “savevm” and “loadvm” commands that might be a sufficient hook to implement such a system, reducing the problem to a problem of synchronizing qcow2 images (or, possibly, snapshots thereof). QEMU also has a live migration feature (I don’t know how this works) and the ability to create a “copy-on-read” image with a remote “backing file”, which is awfully similar to the features described above; however, VM snapshotted states from the backing file are not available in the derived image.

QEMU now has a machine type called “microvm” intended for booting single-application virtual machines.

I wrote about a user-level virtual-memory system that would facilitate this kind of copy-on-write thing.

WebAssembly is an obvious implementation technology to try, both in that the client apps could be web browsers and in that WebAssembly runtimes are likely to support the kinds of isolation and snapshotting that would be useful for this kind of thing, as well as often being more manageable than entire Linux installations.

Docker of course is commonly used for running single (server) applications in an isolated environment, and it extensively uses copy-on-write to keep its disk space usage somewhat manageable. A typical Docker image using Alpine Linux might be 700 MB, five minutes. (I thought it was a lot smaller, but the ones I have here are that big.) It would be interesting to try replicating Docker instances around.
