Merkle ropes

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-10-09 (15 minutes)

(From a discussion with Nick Johnson, though any errors are my responsibility, not his. And probably a lot of this is not novel, being implicit in Okasaki at least.)

Bitcoin and similar systems include a hash of the previous block in each new block, forming a chain of blocks. But verifying that any particular previous block in the block chain is truly an ancestor of what you believe the tip block to be requires verifying all the blocks in between.

(Often a more interesting question is whether a current candidate tip block really does have the height it claims to have. The approach outlined below is not primarily concerned with that question, but it does permit fast noninteractive probabilistic proofs of it.)

Merkle blockchain ropes and logarithmic-time appending

What we would ideally like is a Merkle tree of the previous blocks instead of a linear Merkle block chain. Both can be thought of as Cedar’s “ropes”, which represent sequences as the leaf nodes of a binary tree; in OCaml:

type rope = Leaf of string | Fork of rope * rope

Or, more abstractly, a rope of some arbitrary type 'a or α:

type 'a rope = Leaf of 'a | Fork of 'a rope * 'a rope

Sometimes there's a third alternative:

type 'a rope = Leaf of 'a | Fork of 'a rope * 'a rope | Empty

In these Merkle graphs, the pointers are realized as message digests rather than memory addresses. A chain is just the degenerate case where the binary tree is pessimally balanced. What we want is to incrementally rebalance the tree as we append to the end of it.

If you have 8 leaf nodes to form into a perfectly balanced binary tree, you need to construct 7 internal nodes (“forks”). The first fork can be added when you add the second leaf, but the second fork cannot be added until you add the fourth leaf, at which point you can also add the third fork. Then the fifth leaf does not enable adding any new forks, so it would have been okay to wait to add the third fork until then. The sixth leaf enables adding the fourth fork, the seventh leaf does not enable adding any new forks, and the eighth leaf makes it possible to add the fifth fork (over leaves 7 and 8), the sixth fork (over forks 4 and 5), and the seventh fork (over forks 3 and 6).

You could think of these fork nodes as being an “index”, like that in a relational database, of the block chain; but, instead of allowing you to answer queries quickly, they allow you to construct proofs quickly.

On average, you only need to add one fork for each leaf after the first, but sometimes you cannot add it immediately. So if you add at most one fork with each new block (which adds a leaf), you will start to fall behind. But you fall behind only by a logarithmic amount; the 256th leaf enables the construction of 8 new forks, so at that point the perfect binary tree will be 7 blocks delayed from the state of the blockchain.

In essence each new fork consolidates the two previous smallest remaining binary trees into a larger binary tree; the trees can be held in a stack of fully compacted trees and a queue of possibly not fully compacted trees. Before adding a new leaf, we compact two trees if possible, then add the leaf to the queue. Here’s what the stack; queue state looks like as we add the first 40 leafnodes, one at a time:

1: ; 1       11: 8 2; 1      21: 16 2 2; 1   31: 16 8 4 2; 1  
2: 2;        12: 8 2 2;      22: 16 4; 1 1   32: 16 8 4 2 2;  
3: 2; 1      13: 8 4; 1      23: 16 4 2; 1   33: 16 8 4 4; 1  
4: 2 2;      14: 8 4 2;      24: 16 4 2 2;   34: 16 8 8; 1 1  
5: 4; 1      15: 8 4 2; 1    25: 16 4 4; 1   35: 16 16; 1 1 1 
6: 4 2;      16: 8 4 2 2;    26: 16 8; 1 1   36: 32; 1 1 1 1  
7: 4 2; 1    17: 8 4 4; 1    27: 16 8 2; 1   37: 32 2; 1 1 1  
8: 4 2 2;    18: 8 8; 1 1    28: 16 8 2 2;   38: 32 2 2; 1 1  
9: 4 4; 1    19: 16; 1 1 1   29: 16 8 4; 1   39: 32 4; 1 1 1  
10: 8; 1 1   20: 16 2; 1 1   30: 16 8 4 2;   40: 32 4 2; 1 1

The new leaf can embed the fork within it, thus “signing” the fork at insignificant extra cost. The pointers in the fork can be the hashes of the two blocks containing its child nodes, annotated with bits to indicate whether the pointers are leaf pointers or fork pointers. You might think that when the fork is included, this eliminates the need to include the hash of the previous block in the new block, because the previous block can be reached by following the right-child pointers down the tree of forks; but in fact the new fork might not include the previous block. So you still need the previous block pointer.

Moreover, to permit efficient traversal of the trees, each fork also needs to include a pointer to the previous fork on the stack, if any. In the above example, the fork containing the first 16 leaves is created with the 19th leafnode, but is not merged into a 32-leaf fork until leafnode 36. When you’re looking at leafnode 35, how are you going to find the older 16-node fork? You need a pointer back to leaf 19.

From a rope perspective, your sequence of blocks is a concatenation node of the stack and a queue; the stack is either empty or a concatenation of a stack of all the balanced trees before the last, and the last balanced tree; each balanced tree is either a leafnode or a concatenation of two balanced trees; and a queue is either empty or a concatenation of a queue and a leafnode

From the rope perspective, this structure is just a rope; the distinctions between the state, stacks, queues, and balanced trees can be entirely implicit in the structure. A state is a fork of a stack and a queue; a stack is empty or a fork of a stack and a balanced; a balanced is either a leafnode or a fork of two balanceds; a queue is empty or a fork of a queue and a leafnode. So the “type” of each fork (state, stack, queue, or balanced) is encoded by its parent’s type and which side it’s on.

Each new block encodes, in a sense, a new balanced and a new stack with it as the right child and a new queue with a new right child (which is the block itself). The only funny business is that, as I’ve described the queue above, consuming items from the front of the queue requires reconstructing all the forks inside the queue, and these forks are not recorded at all in the blockchain.

The length of the queue is bounded by the height of the tree, so it’s only logarithmic. With an ephemeral data structure (rather than an FP-persistent structure like an orthodox rope) you could do the queue operations in constant time, making the whole node-append operation constant-time. This isn’t important for block-chain applications, but it could be useful in other rope applications.

However, although appending to the structure can be thus made constant-time, it still takes logarithmic time to query it, which is usually more common, so I think logarithmic time for appending will almost always be good enough.

Code for the table

The data for the above table was produced by the following code; I then formatted it into columns:

s, q = [], []

for _ in range(40):
    if len(s) > 1 and s[-1] == s[-2]:
        s[-2:] = [s[-1] + s[-2]]
        if len(q) > 1:
            n = q.pop(0)
            n += q.pop(0)
    print('{}:'.format(sum(s) + sum(q)),
          ' '.join(str(i) for i in s) + ';', ' '.join(str(i) for i in q))

Probabilistic chainheight validation

As for the probabilistic proof mentioned earlier, if you annotate each fork with the total amount of hashing (PoW) work in its leafnodes, then you can choose a random leaf node to which to validate the path down from the current state, for example in proportion to the amount of hashing it is claimed to represent. If you’ve been fed a fake blockchain that pretends to represent 10% more work than it really does, then you’ll have a 10% chance of finding a discrepancy, say where a fork’s work total isn’t the sum of its children’s work totals, or where the previous node in the tree isn’t actually the predecessor it specifies. This assumes the thief can’t predict which random node you’ll try to validate.

By validating several randomly chosen leafnodes this way, each in logarithmic time, you can achieve an arbitrarily high confidence level that the whole blockchain is valid, as it claims to be. For example, after validating 44 random leafnodes in this way, you would have a 99% chance of finding one that was in the faked 10%, I think. If only 1% was faked, you would need to check 459 random leafnodes to have 99% chance of detecting the fraud.

But this is a fairly small cost. Suppose there are 8 million leafnodes, so you may need to go through as many as 44 forks on your way down to a leaf; if all you have is a sequential file of blocks and an index of it by hash, this could take 87 random accesses, about a second on spinning rust with 8-ms seek times. So you could finish the 459-leafnode probabilistic validation in under ten minutes.

Less pessimistically, you could arrange the 8 million forks into a B-tree; each consists of, say, a 32-byte hash for each of its two children, 64 bytes in total. On spinning rust, you might use a 524288-byte treenode size, which can holds 8192 forks, really 8191: 13 levels of the tree. The up to 23 stack items and the up to 23 queue items can be held in RAM. So validating each leafnode involves reading two B-tree blocks and the leafnode, 3 random accesses rather than 87, plus checking the hashes. So you can finish all 459 validations in 10 seconds rather than 10 minutes.

On SSD you can use 16384-byte B-tree nodes — 255 forks each, 8 levels of tree — and access them in 100 μs each. So traversing 23 levels of the binary tree requires traversing only 3 levels of the B-tree plus a leafnode, 400 μs, so your access time for the 459 leafnode validations is 180 milliseconds.

(Hmm, actually I realize I didn’t include the chainheight annotation in the sizes of the forks, but the difference is not very large.)

Application to LSM-trees

Much of the logic above isn’t concerned with precisely what operation we do to merge together two trees into a larger tree. In the above, it was simply a matter of constructing a new fork with the two trees as children, a constant-time and constant-space operation. But it’s all highly suggestive of Lucene’s merge-based approach, also used in LevelDB, nowadays called a “log-structured merge tree”. In an LSM tree, when you merge two 16-item segments into a 32-item segment, you have to read through each of them sequentially in order to sort them into order by key, perhaps constructing some kind of skip file or index to enable rapid random access by key.

The amount of work becomes smaller if we use N-way merges: instead of first merging 1+1 = 2, then 2+2 = 4, then 4+4 = 8, then 8+8 = 16, then 16+16 = 32, which involves appending an item to a new segment 63 times, we directly merge 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 32, thus only doing it 32 times. We can also exchange some more variability in query time for a lower index construction time, by delaying merges for a longer time, say until the new segment will be 4× or 8× larger than the largest old segment being merged, not just 2× as in the examples above.

The larger point, though, is that LSM-trees fundamentally involve more work per item than just concatenating them into ropes. But it’s only logarithmically more work, and we can spread it evenly over the time when items are added in an analogous way. The temporal sequence won’t be exactly the same: generating the 32-item merged node, done atomically at block 36 in the above example, will take 16 times as much work as generating the 2-item merged nodes, which in the above example are created at blocks, 2, 6, 37, etc.

So we will generate these larger merged nodes gradually, over the course of adding several leafnodes. And I think the amount of work we do per leafnode will gradually increase, but only logarithmically. I haven’t worked out the reality yet. Each new leafnode might include some logarithmically large set of pointers to segments it’s merging and cursor positions in them, and a chunk of merged data.

What does this have to do with blockchains? Well, you could plausibly collectively generate a queryable database index in this way as part of a blockchain, but efficiency is in some sense not the point of a blockchain — inefficiency is. A blockchain is designed to make it infeasibly inefficient to violate the established consensus rules on who owns what.

Outside of blockchains, I suspect that LevelDB does in fact work this way in order to avoid unbounded pauses when inserting and deleting.
