Machine readable microcontroller output

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-11-26 (9 minutes)

Suppose I have a super minimal microcontroller that generates some data and I later want that data somewhere else. Like an ATTiny2313, say (US$0.67 in quantity 1 from Digi-Key, US$55 for 100, but not a smart buy in 2020). What are my options?


UARTs can be used with serial ports where those are present. But typically they require a quartz crystal to meet the timing requirements of RS-232; even the ceramic resonators used on low-end Arduinos are insufficient. Lots of times I want to run off the ±10% RC resonators in these computers, which can be maybe trimmed to ±1%, or maybe not.

If you can get a well-controlled computer to send you some data first at what it thinks is an accurate baud rate, you may be able to examine its timing to recalibrate your clock.

But many modern computers omit serial ports.

SD cards

SD cards support an SPI interface through which you might be able to write files onto the filesystem. To deal with RAM as small as the ATTiny2313’s (128 bytes!) you probably need to read the same sector from the SD card more than once if you’re not sure where you’re looking in it. This requires at least four pins (SCK, MISO, MOSI, /SS) and might be possible to pull off.

Then you can disconnect the SD card from the microcontroller and plug it into wherever you want to read the data.

Pretending to be an SD card

I’m not sure if this is practical, since SD cards normally support other interfaces that are hairier than just SPI, but maybe so. Maybe I should investigate further. Lots of computers have SD card interfaces on them now and they’re easy to buy.

PS/2 keyboard

The AT/PS/2 keyboard/mouse interface is a two-wire open-collector bus with separate data and clock lines. (Plus +5V at up to 100mA and ground.) Chapweske reports success using PIC internal pullups and setting pins to output 0 to pull them low. Fortunately the peripheral always generates the clock signal, so in theory you ought to be able to use a weird clock rate, and in theory the clock speed should be 10–16.7 kHz. That is, 12.9 MHz ±23% — even the uncalibrated RC oscillator can beat that! And you have to check every 10 ms or less to see if you need to generate a clock to receive a host-to-peripheral communication. Other than that it’s a matter of sending 11-bit packets, each a byte with some start and stop bits.

So you could imagine acting as a keyboard and typing the data to a computer when plugged in. In theory you’re not supposed to hotplug AT and PS/2 keyboards but I’ve never burned up a motherboard yet doing it.

There’s even a PS2Keyboard library in Arduino from PJRC that already implements the protocol, but it’s the other way around — it’s so you can plug a keyboard into your Arduino!

Unfortunately many modern computers have replaced the PS/2 interface with USB, which is much harder to bitbang.

Low-speed USB bitbanging

The well-known GPL V-USB library supports bitbanging low-speed (1.5 Mbps) USB on “any AVR microcontroller with at least 2 kB of Flash memory, 128 bytes RAM and a clock rate of at least 12 MHz” and claims to even support being clocked from a 12.8-MHz or 16.5-MHz internal RC oscillator — but not the ATTiny2313’s 7.3–9.1-MHz (??) internal oscillator. Also, it would occupy most of an ATTiny2313: “Only about 1150 to 1400 bytes code size.”

And there’s a similar project called 16FUSB for PICs.

Atmel’s app note AVR291 on the ATMega32U4RC, which has USB hardware, explains that low-speed USB requires 1.5MHz ±1.5% (or, on p. 9, ±1%, but Silicon Labs says it’s 1.5%), and that this precision is within the capability of the AVR family’s oscillator calibration.

Bitbanging a USB interface offers the perhaps more appealing possibility of offering a USB mass storage interface.

Centronics parallel port, Raspberry Pi GPIO, and other GPIO

A Centronics parallel port like the fuchsia one on the back of this old tower here used to be common, but isn’t now. But if you have one, it’s easy enough to bitbang SPI over it, or over the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi, or an Arduino, or whatever. I mean that’s how the ArduinoISP sketch works.

Speaker modem

If the amount of data to be transmitted is not too great (and in the case of the ATTiny2313 you can’t store more than a couple of K on the chip; larger micros might have 32K or 168K or something; but more typical is maybe 128 bytes) then maybe you could use a really simple speaker modem, if the microcontroller can either transmit radio or has a speaker built in. It likely doesn’t have to be able to travel over POTS phone service, so use of frequencies about 3kHz is fine; maybe frequency-shift keying between 3520 Hz and 5280 Hz would work, for example. Three cycles at 5280 Hz is 568.2 μs, and so is two cycles at 3520 Hz. If this were half the bit interval (“MSK”), this would give 3520 baud. Some parity bits would probably be worthwhile. You could use a square wave and it would still work fine if the volume was high enough.

It would sound terrible, though. If you instead used 17000 Hz and 19125 Hz, which are still within the range of most microphones, you’d have 9 half-waves of one against 8 half-waves of the other, each taking 235 μs, giving 4250 baud. And it would be inaudible except to very young people.

If you packetized the data into packets with 1 header byte, 7 data bytes, and 2 parity bytes, then you’d get almost 372 bytes per second.

Although wireless, this approach would often work even more neatly if you could plug the microcontroller device into a microphone jack, like the Danger camera or the Square card reader. Typical microphone jacks provide a 5-volt “bias” or “PiP” or “IEC 61938” voltage on the ring electrode for electret microphone preamps. Reputedly this is typically in the 340 μA to 2.5 mA range because of a 2kΩ–10kΩ impedance. The Google Android device specification for the 3.5-mm headphone jack says the “mic bias voltage” should be 1.8–2.9 volts and that the “mic bias resistance” is “flexible” but later says something I don’t understand about “2.9V mic bias applied through 2.2 kOhm resistor”. That would be 660 μA and thus a maximum output power of just under a milliwatt.

Wirelessness and many-to-many nature may be advantages in some circumstances. You could imagine several sensors that all log data over the air in a room at random times or on demand, and one or more data loggers that demodulate that data and log it.

LED communication

The actuator most easily accessible to a microcontroller, apart from simple wires, is an LED. LEDs themselves typically support astoundingly high data rates, up into the megabits per second. But most computers that might be able to observe the LEDs cannot observe them very fast, perhaps with a camera running at 30 fps, 60 fps, or a slightly higher rate.

You might be able to get 2 or 3 bits of data per frame of video by modulating the apparent brightness of a single LED, but that’s only about 180 baud in the best common case. At 180 baud a 128-byte message would take almost six seconds: inconvenient but workable for some applications.

If you’re just after the “wireless” part rather than the “connecting to big computers” part, you could dragoon one microcontroller into feeding photodiode or phototransistor data into the big computer so it can demodulate it, after being transmitted by one or many small computers.

It’s a shame IrDA worked so badly and was abandoned!
