Hierarchical state space learning

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-12-14 (8 minutes)

(Probably none of this is new and all of it is obvious to those who study such things, but I’m just beginning to learn about the area.)

Suppose you can observe a time-varying set of inputs or stimuli to some system, like a stirred vat of reagents or a circuit or a vibrating string, and a corresponding time-varying set of outputs. How would you go about automatically “learning” the behavior of the system?

If you suppose that the system is approximately linear and time-invariant, then the output vector yt is given by some direct-coupling matrix D multiplied by the input ut plus some output matrix C multiplied by the system’s internal state xt: yt = Dut + Cxt. Unfortunately we cannot observe xt directly, and we may not even know what its dimensionality is, and it may be infinite. But by hypothesis it is evolving in time according to some input forcing matrix B and its own square matrix of internal linear relationships A: xt = But + Axt-1. And we can linearly superpose effects from stimuli at different points in the past, so yt = Dut + CΣᵢAⁱBut-i, i > 0.

If we factor the feedback matrix A with an eigendecomposition QΛQ⁻¹, the eigenvectors Q give us the “vibrational modes” of the system, and the eigenvalues Λ tell us how fast they decay (or, possibly, grow). We can fold the Q and Q⁻¹ matrices into the C and B matrices respectively to reduce A to the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues. Some of these eigenvalues may be small, which means that the vibrational modes in question die away very quickly; unless their coupling to the input and output is particularly strong, these can be dropped, reducing the dimensionality of the model, with little effect on the error.

Given some estimates A?, B?, C?, D?, of the matrices A, B, C, and D, we can compute a residual yt - (D?ut + C?ΣᵢA?ⁱB?ut-i) that tells us how shitty our estimates are for a given time t, and then we can summarize this residual vector over all times t by, for example, summing the squares or absolute values of the residuals to give us an overall residual shittiness to minimize. There are a variety of standard optimization algorithms that may work to minimize this residual.

In particular I think that if we use the sum of the squares of the residuals, ordinary least squares may work: we just take the derivative of the whole residual expression, set it to zero, and figure out what values of A, B, C, and D that gives us. If there are less degrees of freedom in the observations yt than there are in the four matrices we’re trying to estimate, I think the problem is underdetermined. For example, if we have single scalar observations at 100 points in time yt for a scalar-input system (i.e., ut is also one-dimensional), and we suppose that the state space xt is 10-dimensional, then A has 100 degrees of freedom, B has 10, C has 10, and D has 1, so the system isn’t fully determined. But if we suppose that it is 9-dimensional, it is now fully determined, and if it’s 8-dimensional, it’s overdetermined. (In the underdetermined case, we could add extra penalty terms for, for example, norms of the matrices involved, to get the “simplest” solution in some sense.)

XXX okay smart guy, how can you derive 100 unknowns from a single equation? you add all the squared residuals together, take the derivative, you have a sum of squared residual derivatives, you set it to zero, that’s still one equation. ohhh: you take the partial derivative with respect to each design variable (A?₀₀, etc.), and that gives you N equations — but now we’re faced with a different problem... I guess I need to go back and brush up on OLS and linear regression!

Another approach is to use gradient descent: if we initially suppose that A is very small, perhaps a single real or complex coefficient, we should be able to iteratively converge very quickly. If we then add dimensions one by one, optimizing after the addition of each new dimension, we ought to be able to converge relatively quickly, as each new dimension is in some sense being used to account for the error in the previous approximation.

Since, as explained above, we can assume without loss of generality that A is a (complex) diagonal matrix (of eigenvalues), the number of design variables we need to optimize doesn’t actually increase quadratically with the dimensionality of the state space, as I said it does above — it only increases linearly. For example, if we have 3 scalar inputs, 2 scalar outputs, and 20 hidden variables in the state space, then D is 3×2, A is a 20-item diagonal matrix, B is 3×20, and C is 20×2. I think B and C need to be complex as well, not just A, but D can be purely real.

It should also be possible to use L1 basis pursuit algorithms in order to handle massively underdetermined systems, where we assume an absurdly large number of state-space dimensions, but privilege extremely sparse solutions. This might require abandoning the eigenvalue-diagonal assumption about A, because, although that’s the sparsest A can be, it might impose unreasonable constraints of non-sparsity on B and C.

Of course, no real system is perfectly linear, so even without measurement noise, we’ll have a nonzero residual signal, but hopefully we’ll also have some kind of estimate of the internal state vector of the system at each point in time, which will presumably be uncorrelated with the residual once our optimization has converged. But if we take the outer product of that state vector with itself, we will get a larger matrix some of whose items may have significant correlations with one or another channel of the residuals, and this will give us a second-order correction to apply to our linear predictor. The kernel trick used in support vector machines is, as I understand it, a more efficient generalization of this approach, and can be applied to learn more general system behaviors.

While you could in theory apply this sort of approach to any black-box system at all, it won’t work very well for extremely nonlinear systems like flip-flops. For things like that, a hidden Markov model is probably a better sort of model, and that also has efficient algorithms for learning it; you can combine the two models by having different A, B, C, D matrices for different Markov states. But for mostly linear systems, this linear-first approach might have some useful merits.

You can apply this to control systems (automatically tuning the model for model-predictive control to the plant), simulation (the plucked-string model alluded to earlier), or system identification (guessing what kind of circuit you’re looking at), among other things.
