Hardware queuing

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-11-26 (updated 02020-12-16) (11 minutes)

Thinking about hardware multithreading, blocking, waiting, the Padauk chips, etc., it occurred to me that it might be reasonable to build a CPU with a hardware work queue, or several, instead of interrupt handlers and sleeping. (A totally different thought stream involving many of the same features is in the transaction-per-call note.)

The CPU should have a priority queue of runnable instructions

The idea is basically hardware multithreading, really: each work queue item is a machine architectural state (PC, SP, and if applicable accumulators, index registers, status flags, MMU tags, etc.), and the CPU works through the highest-priority nonempty run queue, interleaving instruction by instruction. Normally whenever you execute an instruction you enqueue the following instruction on the same priority run queue, so threads of the same priority are run in round-robin fashion, instruction by instruction, but there’s a mindelay field in the instruction encoding which forces the thread to pause for 1-4 cycles. So each queue item is tagged with the earliest cycle when it is runnable. This allows interleaved realtime tasks of the same priority to maintain precisely the same timing regardless of how many other tasks of that priority are running at any given time, as long as there aren’t too many of them.

(Perhaps the delayed tasks should be initially stored in a separate queue, or perhaps each queue should practice EDF scheduling, although that seems potentially tricky to do in hardware.)

Interrupts are handled by enqueuing a new top-half task at high priority, either on a special interrupt queue or on the regular queue. In a sense an interrupt handler is just a thread that is usually asleep, but usually we don’t allocate it hardware registers to store its state between invocations.

There’s an instruction to terminate a task, making its hardware state available for forking, and a Redcode-like SPL instruction to fork.

If you have a hardware watchpoint facility, you could provide an instruction to sleep a thread until a given memory location is written to, that location becoming one of the hardware watchpoints. The store units simply need to check their destination address against the list of watchpoints and conditionally awaken a task. As an alternative to external interrupts, you could simply sleep a thread until an I/O port is “written” by the outside world.

The Tera MTA included a facility for a thread to preallocate a set of threads it was going to spawn off, which could atomically succeed or fail; if it succeeded, subsequent thread-spawning instructions from that preallocation were guaranteed to succeed. (And I think that if you didn’t use it, or exceeded the allocated capacity, they were guaranteed to fail.)

If trying to spawn a thread with SPL when all the thread slots are full is treated as a sort of processor exception, one of the possible ways to handle it is to invoke an “OS” that maybe “swaps” one or more threads to RAM, saving their architectural state — the usual OS context-switch code, that is. It wouldn’t even have to save the full architectural state if the SPL instruction normally clobbers some of your registers, so it could be as efficient as a cooperative context-switch.

Another possible response to spawning a thread when all slots (at the requested priority level) are full is to enqueue the starting of that thread for later — the thread once running is real-time, but starting it is best-effort, much like in the old circuit-switched telephone system.

A slightly alternate design: A b A c A b A d ... static timeslots

Hmm, what happens if we have run a mindelay-4 instruction from thread A, then a mindelay-3 instruction from thread B? One or the other is going to miss their deadline!

Here’s an alternative: we have, say, 4 real-time “queues”, A B C, each of which has up to one real-time task, and a fourth hardware task D, a best-effort task. A runs every other cycle (or idles the machine), B runs every 4th cycle, and C and D run every 8th cycle; the sequence is A B A C A B A D, A B A C A B A D... forever — except that if any real-time task is idle in a given cycle, because of having run a sleep instruction, best-effort task D is instead run. D may be a round-robin alternation between various best-effort tasks, either in hardware or in software, and may have its own real-time task that preempts its best-effort task.

In this way, every instruction in queue A has mindelay a multiple of 2, every instruction in queue B has mindelay a multiple of 4, every instruction in queue C has mindelay a multiple of 8, and they are all guaranteed to be reawakened at the cycle-exact time they request. A thread-local architectural register can provide a shift to the mindelay field, so that for example if the field is 2 bits then the possible values of mindelay with shift 1 are 2, 4, 6, and 8; the possible values of mindelay with shift 2 are 4, 8, 12, and 16; and the possible values of mindelay with shift 3 are 8, 16, 24, and 32. This shift is in effect the priority of the thread; a thread running with shift 3 can run in queue A, B, or C, while a thread with shift 2 can only run in queues A or B. So the machine in this form can run up to three threads with shift 3 or less, two threads with shift 2 or less, and one thread with shift 1.

In this form it would be an error to try to change your shift to 1, or launch a shift-1 thread, if there’s already a thread running in queue A. If the machine is running three real-time threads with shift 3, it will only be running real-time threads ⅜ of the time, ceding the others to the best-effort thread, but if it is running two real-time threads with shift 2, it will be running real-time threads half the time. If it is running a shift-1 thread, a shift-2 thread, and a shift-3 thread, then it will be running real-time threads ⅞ of the time.

(Actually I guess thread D could also be running a shift-3 real-time thread, if it’s not a best-effort thread; it might make sense to make the best-effort thread be a separate thing.)

In theory a shift-3 thread doesn’t care whether it’s in queue A, B, or C, because in any case it gets one out of every 8 cycles. There might be phase offset questions it cares about.

With this approach, spawning an interrupt thread seems like it will necessarily have worse interrupt latency (both worst-case and jitter) than more traditional approaches, because where do you spawn the interrupt handler thread? What shift do you run it at? If you spawn it at shift 1 in task A, you still have at least 2 cycles of latency, but in order to occasionally do that, you have to never run anything other than interrupt handlers at shift 1. If you spawn it at shift 2, you can run one other task at either shift 1 or shift 2, but not both; and moreover it will take 1-4 cycles before its time slot comes around, and each additional instruction of handler adds 4 cycles more. For purposes of reliable scheduling, effectively the interrupt handler is a task that always exists — you have to allocate it a task slot.

(The ATTiny2313 datasheet says the AVR interrupt execution response is four clock cycles, minimum, plus normally a three-cycle jump, and possibly finishing a multi-cycle instruction that was in progress when the interrupt fired: 7–9 cycles, plus 4 more cycles if it was in sleep mode, plus the wakeup time. So maybe this isn’t actually so bad.)

A perhaps more interesting approach is to have, say, 8 time slots that are rigidly round-robined among in this way, but to run a task at shift 1 or shift 2, you must allocate respectively 4 or 2 slots to it, thus diminishing the total number of real-time tasks by, respectively, 3 or 1. This is sort of like buddy-system malloc: two shift-3 time slots can Voltron into a shift-2 time slot, and two shift-2 time slots can Voltron into a shift-1 time slot.

In the simple form, there isn’t an allocation policy that permits full usage but makes fragmentation impossible — a simple adversarial allocation sequence guarantees maximal fragmentation:

and so on until all 8 time slots are allocated with known buddy-pairings. Then you can deallocate half the time slots (x001, x011, x101, and x111) in a way that doesn’t permit any of them to be coalesced, because their buddies are still allocated; this permits no shift-2 or shift-1 tasks to start, even though the machine is still half idle.

Above it was suggested that launching threads might not be a real-time task, even if running them is. A different take on that is that launching a thread can shift you into a different timeslot, causing a phase shift in whatever waveforms you’re embroiled in — so in the above adversarial example, whatever shift-3 thread tries to launch a shift-2 task can get reassigned to a different shift-3 timeslot in order to defragment a shift-2 timeslot. That doesn’t, however, allow you to launch a shift-1 timeslot.

Another angle on that approach is suggested by Redcode: perhaps the SPL instruction divides your previous timeslot between the two child threads, which I think is actually what the Padauk microcontrollers do in real life — initially the processor runs one thread at 8 MHz, but when it splits into two, each runs at 4 MHz. In the above terminology, SPL raises your “shift” by 1 and spawns a child thread with the same new “shift”. This suggests that the way to deallocate is to run a MERGE or WAIT instruction which waits until the other thread executes DIE or HALT or whatever and then drops your “shift” by 1. This incarnation of SPL requires no failure handling but may be somewhat inflexible.

The actual timeslot array in the processor might be something like a 3-bit counter and 8 3-bit pointers, each pointing to one of 8 register sets.
