A field-programmable RTL array: a more efficient alternative to FPGAs?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-11-26 (updated 02020-11-27) (11 minutes)

What if, instead of individual registered LUTs, you programmed a synchronous register-transfer-level machine whose individual units were more like an ALU, or a GreenArrays x18 core, than like a gate?

Inspirational computing systems

I’m thinking of the TECS NAND-to-Tetris Hack CPU, based on the DG Nova and the PDP-8, where individual bits in ALU instructions control various aspects of the ALU instruction; and about the kinds of register machines used for Bresenham line drawing and circle drawing (Appendix E of Ivan Sutherland’s SKETCHPAD dissertation, republished as UCAM-CL-TR-574, describes these as “incremental computers” and proposes using them to draw general conic sections); and about the very simple register machines provided by AVR peripherals, for example auto-incrementing timers that are connected to digital comparators that automatically reset them, or analog comparators that can register a timer value when they observe a transition; or Babbage’s Difference Engine, which tabulates a new value of an arbitrary polynomial on every clock cycle, simply by adding to each register the difference from the previous register; and so on.

In the Hack, the ALU field has 6 control bits, zx, nx, zy, ny, o, and no, and the ALU is basically just six muxes:

a <- zx ? 0 : x
b <- zy ? 0 : y
c <- nx ? ~a : a
d <- ny ? ~b : b
e <- o ? c+d : c&d
output <- no ? ~e : e

This gives you 64 ALU instructions, many of which are unimplemented in the official Hack simulator, including NAND, NOR, AND, OR, addition, two’s-complement subtraction, two’s-complement negation, one’s-complement negation, abjunction, X+Y+1, and a number of others. The PDP-8’s similar setup includes bits for bitwise rotation and byte swapping, which among other things makes division much easier to implement.


Now, in a “FPRTLA”, instead of routing individual bits around your machine, you could route bytes, or words of 4-64 bits — an 8-bit byte suffices to crossbar four inputs to four outputs with each output derived from a single input, and those inputs and outputs can be full words.

You could imagine that each cell in a rectangular array of cells, for example, might be configured with, for example, such a 6-bit ALU opcode determining its output word as a function of its two inputs, a bit determining whether its output is registered or combinational, and 6 bits selecting its two inputs from among eight available inputs (including its own output). This might suffice for very simple computation, but so far it’s lacking the conditional routing and conditional increment abilities needed for things like packet routing and Bresenham lines.

One simple way to provide that would be to provide two configuration words for each cell, and some kind of rule to choose between them, perhaps based on a single bit from somewhere.

Without the possibility of combinational output, you could implement such a machine much more densely in a bit-serial format — each 4×4 crossbar would literally have only 8 data wires going in and out of it, plus 8 control wires. This would of course be much slower.

If such a 4×4 crossbar had 16 control wires going in instead of 8, it could perhaps implicitly perform a wired-AND or wired-OR, for example by using open-drain transistors and pullup resistors; this might eliminate some of the necessity for ALU operations.

An interesting question is what the minimal uniform unit cell for such a machine might be. It takes two or more inputs of some variable word size, generates one output, and has some configuration data. What’s the simplest state machine that gives us a given form of universality?

“Incremental computers”?

In Sutherland’s thesis, in perhaps the first proposal for a GPU, which would later return to him as the “Wheel of Reincarnation” paper, he said:

In the course of the work with Sketchpad it has become all too clear that the spot-by-spot display now in use [is] too slow for comfortable observation of reasonable size drawings. Moreover, having the central machine compute and store all the spots for the display is a waste of general purpose capacity...

The technology of incremental computers is well developed [emphasis Derctuo], but so far as I know, no one has yet applied them directly to the problem of computer display systems. Basically the incremental computer works by adding one register to another successively and detecting any overflows or underflows which may be generated. Certain registers are incremented conditionally on the result of overflow or underflow generation.

He goes on to explain something similar to the Bresenham line drawing algorithm, using an “X increment” register for the fractional part to be added on each iteration to an “X remainder” register, with an “X scope” register being incremented on overflows, we can increment “X scope” on average every 1/“X remainder” clock cycles. Essentially “X scope” and “X remainder” are the integer and fractional parts of a fixed-point number (in Sutherland’s case, binary), and “X scope” is used to control the X position of a CRT beam. A similar Y arrangement is used for the Y beam. The Clock of the Long Now does its calculations the same way, bit-serially, using mechanical binary computation.

This is labeled “Figure E.1. DDA for drawing lines,” and it turns out that this is an abbreviation for “Digital Differential Analyser”, the term more commonly used in the US at the time; “incremental computer” was the term used in Britain, according to Charles Philip Care’s 2008 Ph.D. dissertation, “From analogy-making to modelling: the history of analog computing as a modelling technology.” The differential analyzer was the major invention of Vannevar Bush, who also invented hypertext and headed the atomic bomb research program; it was a mechanical contrivance that performed “numerical” integration of ordinary differential equations, originally conceived by Kelvin but not built successfully until Bush managed it in 1931.

(Care’s dissertation, though I disagree with most of its conclusions and think its author misunderstands fundamental aspects of the technologies he is attempting to chronicle, is one of the few pieces of research to investigate the distinction between “analog” and “digital” in a serious way. The fact that the conclusions he arrives at are wrong is, by comparison, less significant. And it’s one of the few places that will tell you what “incremental computer” meant at the time of Sutherland’s dissertation.)

Presumably thanks to Sutherland, nowadays the term “digital differential analyzer” commonly refers to the algorithm he was describing rather than the family of hardware that could implement such algorithms inexpensively.

Sutherland also mentions the remarkable leapfrog-integration property that is also true of Minsky’s circle-drawing algorithm:

Theory and simulation show that just as in the incremental equation used for generating circles (see Chapter V), the latest value of increment must be used if the curve is to close. Therefore, the additions cannot all occur at once; the order shown in Figure E.2 by the numbers 1–4 next to the adders makes the circles and ellipses close. In a serial device it is possible to do the four additions in just two add times by having only a one bit time delay between the two additions for each coordinate, i.e., (?+) just before (+).

And indeed his figure E.2 does present an RTL diagram for something similar to Minsky’s algorithm. (For “serial device” read “bit-serial adder”.) As I read his variant, it works as follows:

xremainder += xincrement
if carry:
    yincrement += ycurvature
elif borrow:
    yincrement -= ycurvature

yremainder += yincrement
if carry:
    xincrement += xcurvature
elif borrow:
    xincrement -= xcurvature

This looks like a lot of code but it’s really just four arithmetic operations within the feedback oscillator, two of which are conditional, and two conditional operations driven by the oscillator. (There’s an extension to arbitrary conics.)

He says this sort of conditional addition/subtraction goes beyond “the usual practice in incremental computers”, which he says is just a conditional increment or decrement (the ordinary sort of carry propagation). However, Wikipedia seems to describe what he’s doing as “the basic DDA integrator”.

Sutherland points out that this configuration allows us to produce not just circles and ellipses (as is usual for Minsky’s algorithm), but also straight lines (by setting the curvature numbers to 0) and hyperbolas (if the curvature numbers are of the same sign). I think it also has a guarantee that it produces densely packed pixels, without space between them, which is harder to achieve with Minsky’s algorithm. (To guarantee that it doesn’t dawdle on the same point, I think you can prescale the increment values until one of them is essentially 1, e.g., 0.1111111111 if you’re using 10-bit fractions.)

If we again treat the xscope.xremainder and yscope.yremainder pairs as fixed-point numbers with the “remainder” being the fractional part, then we can see that this is not quite Minsky’s algorithm, because it has four registers instead of two (if we treat the curvatures as constants), and, more surprisingly, it runs backwards! The frequency of carries (or borrows) gives us the derivative of the variable being thus incremented. So if in some interval of time X increases (or decreases) past 12 integer values, then in that interval of time Y’s derivative will be increased (or decreased) by ycurvature 12 times. So Y’s second derivative is thus approximated by ycurvature times X’s first derivative, and mutatis mutandis.

This requires less hardware than the more straightforward approach of X -= k × Y; Y += k × X because that requires a multiplier. By encoding the derivative in this way as a neuron-like spike train, we can multiply by repeated addition instead.

(Spike-train circuitry is experiencing some renewed interest nowadays, both to reduce power consumption and as delta-sigma circuits for higher stochastic DSP speed — the multiplication of two random spike trains is their AND, and their average can be obtained by a multiplexer driven from a random bitstream.)

I think the commonplace circle midpoint algorithm can also be cast into such a form, but triggering additions and subtractions from comparisons rather than carries. It would be interesting to see if there’s a stepwise transformation to show the equivalence — or non-equivalence! — of the two circle-drawing algorithms.

Sutherland reports success at the time at building a bit-serial DDA machine at the time using some 36-bit delay lines and some 20-MHz logic chips, plotting a display point every 900 ns.
