DNS Cache Rendezvous: a permissionless signaling channel for bootstrapping end-to-end connections

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-10-07 (13 minutes)

In today's internet, IP addresses are often assigned dynamically and unpredictably, but not changeably at will. So if you want to send a person IP packets, you need some way to find out what their current IP address is. If they're behind a NAT, you may also need to find out what their current port is on that IP address so that you can do NAT hole-punching. (Some kinds of NAT don't even support that, but most do.)

The IPv4 + UDP port data is 48 bits. If you could get that data, or most of it, to your contact, the two of you could establish a UDP connection. So you need some kind of rendezvous point.

Here's a permissionless, harmless, efficient solution vaguely similar to private information retrieval protocols.

Background on the DNS

Let's consider the side channel associated with a caching DNS server and a domain name with a relatively long TTL value, such as 18000 seconds. For example: 17429 IN  PTR eze06s02-in-f4.1e100.net.
eze06s02-in-f4.1e100.net. 34228 IN  A

From an authoritative server the TTL on eze06s02-in-f4 is actually 86400 seconds, so what we're seeing here is that someone sharing the DNS server with us did a lookup of this domain name 86400-34228 = 52172 seconds ago, plus or minus a second or so. They have effectively written about 16.4 bits into this DNS server's cache, which now anyone who the DNS server is willing to respond to can read.

There's a "norecurse" bit you can set on a DNS request. This doesn't prevent the DNS server from returning you a value from its cache, but it does prevent it from going and fetching the value. This is useful because it permits a nondestructive read of this timing data. Here we see two identical queries on the public DNS server, one of which fails with SERVFAIL, and the other of which succeeds, because is not only anycasted, but also its local instance seems to be load-balanced on a per-request basis:

$ dig +norecurse @ eze06s02-in-f4.1e100.net.

; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> +norecurse @ eze06s02-in-f4.1e100.net.
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 2151
;; flags: qr ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;eze06s02-in-f4.1e100.net.  IN  A

;; Query time: 44 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Oct 07 13:36:44 -03 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 53

$ dig +norecurse @ eze06s02-in-f4.1e100.net.

; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> +norecurse @ eze06s02-in-f4.1e100.net.
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 12898
;; flags: qr ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;eze06s02-in-f4.1e100.net.  IN  A

eze06s02-in-f4.1e100.net. 21586 IN  A

;; Query time: 42 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Oct 07 13:36:47 -03 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 69

The DNS cache rendezvous protocol

Suppose you have a prearranged list of 128 DNS servers somewhere on the internet that do not use load balancing, are not anycast, and probably are willing to provide recursive, caching DNS resolution to each of you. And you also have a prearranged list of 128 long-TTL DNS records.

What we are going to do is store a 50-bit value in this 128x128 matrix of caching DNS servers by splitting it into ten 5-bit chunks, and storing each 5-bit chunk in the cached TTLs of these 128 shared recursive caching DNS servers. First, we take the key we want to associate information with and we hash it to produce a long random bitstring. Each 14-bit chunk of this hash identifies one bucket in the 128x128 matrix: a particular DNS record on a particular caching server. We are going to store each 5-bit chunk of information redundantly in 5 such buckets as the low-order 6 bits of the clock when we make the request, except for the least significant bit, which is not reliable. In order to do this, we send a single 50-byte packet to the indicated server in the middle of the indicated time interval, requesting a recursive retrieval of the indicated DNS record.

If our request is successful, and the record was not previously in the cache, the server will cache the record for its TTL. So we have successfully published 5 bits of data in such a way that the DNS server will send them to anyone who subsequently requests the same record before the TTL expires. Then they need only add the remaining TTL to their current clock and subtract the origin TTL to find out when the original request was sent to a precision of one second.

But the request may not have been successful, or the record may have been previously in the cache. So we store the same data in 4 more buckets, which in general will be on other DNS servers. Now, someone who wants to read this 5-bit chunk of data can make the same 5 requests --- though ideally with the no-recurse bit turned on, so that they won't prevent the data from being published in the future if it's currently not published --- and simply take the most common value from among the results. Really they probably only need to read two or three of the buckets on most occasions, since two or three equal values is already very strong evidence.

Repeating this process 9 more times stores or retrieves 50 bits of data. Of these, 48 are the IPv4 address and port at which to contact the publisher of the advertisement.

So advertising in this way requires sending out about 50 packets of about 50 bytes each, about once every 5 hours, and receiving the same number of response packets of about 70 bytes each; this works out to about 1-2 bits per second both inbound and outbound. Retrieving such an advertisement requires only about 25 requests and responses.

The choice of using the low 6 bits of timestamp imposes a minimum latency of 64 seconds on publishing new data (which could be reduced, except in cases of strong interference, by XORing the data stored in each bucket with more bits derived from the key); if a longer latency were acceptable, you could store more bits per bucket, thus requiring fewer buckets, fewer packets, less bandwidth, but more latency. For example, with half an hour of latency, you could get 10 bits per bucket, not counting the ignored LSB, rather than 5. Inversely, you could get latency down to 4 seconds by storing only one bit per bucket.

In a sense, although in absolute terms the cost is very low, in relative terms it's fairly high: to publish 48 bits of data --- 6 bytes --- you send out 2500 bytes and receive 3500 bytes. That's three orders of magnitude of bloat. It's only efficient in absolute terms because the service required is so minimal.

A large number of publishers can use the same 128x128 matrix as long as they aren't trying to stomp on each other's keys, because each one only uses 50 out of the 16384 buckets. However, it's easy for anyone who has the whole matrix to deny service to everyone.

A possible partial defense against that is to distribute different versions of the matrix from a central authority to different participants in the system, having for example two possible alternatives for each row and two possible alternatives for each column, half of which are concealed from each participant. Geographically distant participants will share, on average, half the headings and one quarter of the buckets, and so mildly more queries will be needed.

Another partial defense would be to use a much larger matrix, like a million by a million, which preliminary tests suggest is feasible (see below). Then anyone who wants to flood the whole matrix needs to send out one trillion packets, like, fifty terabytes. Every five hours: ten terabytes an hour.

Any attacker who knows the key of a publisher is likely to be able to jam their broadcasts. This suggests that perhaps keys should be per-relationship, not per-identity: if Alice uses one key to announce her location to Bob and another to announce it to Carol, then Bob can't jam the information Carol is reading, unless Carol tells him the key or he can jam essentially the whole matrix.

A publisher might need to use two or three keys for rapid failover when its IP address changes unanticipatedly, since it can't overwrite its previously published data.

Of course there are more efficient error-correction codes than repeating each symbol N times, and using these might be worthwhile.

There are 300 million servers currently providing this service

One key question I didn't know about when I started this is how many publicly-accessible recursive DNS servers are still out there. I started out fairly confident that the answer is "more than 128". I think the answer is actually "hundreds of millions" because the very first random IP address I generated,, happened to be willing to answer my DNS query:

$ dig @ www.google.com.

; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> @ www.google.com.
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 37948
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;www.google.com.            IN  A

www.google.com.     141 IN  A

;; Query time: 423 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Oct 07 14:16:44 -03 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 48

The next hundred or so I generated got me 5 answers (all different!), so probably about 5% of all the possible IPv4 addresses have working (?) recursive DNS servers that are willing to answer queries from my Argentine residential address. That's about 200 million currently existing and accessible servers. Presumably a tiny fraction of them are anycast or dynamically load-balanced like, while the rest would work fine.

Further random sampling refines that estimate to about 7%, which is about 300 million servers. I generated 1000 random IPv4 addresses, sent a DNS query for www.google.com to each one (once), and got back 67 responses and 934 timeouts. Not sure where the 1001th request went.


You could easily tell someone using this technique from a normal DNS user: if publishing, they're sending DNS queries with recursion turned on to several different DNS servers. Stub resolvers send queries with recursion turned on, but normally only to your ISP's nameserver, or to or opendns or alternic or something, not to 50 different servers. Someone only reading would look like someone running their own caching DNS server, in that they're sending out queries with recursion turned off, except that many of their queries are getting non-authoritative results. Queries with the NR bit set generally will get either authoritative results or no results; it's very unusual for someone to send a no-recursion query and just happen to get a successful response from some random cache.

The publisher might look like a sysadmin trying to debug a DNS problem. I can't think of any activity that would look like the person trying to read.

That said, I don't know what kind of offbeat DNS things happen in the wild nowadays. Maybe there's some common DNS implementation bug that looks just like this.


Other permissionless signaling channels for such low-bandwidth rendezvous tricks include blog comment sections, wiki edits, Freenode, OFTC, Tor hidden services, altering the latency of publicly-accessible servers on low-bandwidth connections by packet-flooding them, shortwave radio, moonbounce, Usenet, web forums, and IM service statuses. Most of these impose significant social costs on others, could disappear at any time, or have other drawbacks that this public DNS side channel does not have.
