Caching layout

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-12-03 (8 minutes)

Let’s consider building up a GUI with table layout, flowable text, graphical objects, and clipping, based on a pipeline from some arbitrary state data, through to a set of nested boxes, to a layout which assigns positions to all these boxes, to pixels to put onto the screen, all in a form that is purely functional and therefore tractable to memoize or cache, without losing unreasonable amounts of efficiency.

First, from the arbitrary state data, we build up a structure of nested boxes. Maybe we iterate over the characters of a text and generate letters from a font, which we stack into hboxes that form words, which we fill into paragraphs which will compute a reasonable set of positions for the word boxes within the resulting paragraph box, which is perhaps a child of a vbox. Maybe somewhere there are some GUI elements that get laid out in a table, and one of them is a dropdown list which is associated with a transient dropdown, which should get composited on top of the whole shebang at a later step. Maybe all of the above is within a scrolling pane of a larger window.

If this stage of the process is comprehensively memoized, then rather than a tree of nested boxes we will have a DAG of nested boxes; perhaps the letter “f” from a given font only results in a single tree node. Also, if it’s comprehensively purely functional, it’s safe to discard any of these boxes as well, as long as we save the function call that produced them so that we can restart it if we need the box again.

Second, to do the layout, we do three further passes over this DAG of nested boxes.

Pass 2.1 is to compute a corresponding DAG of nested boxes augmented with requested sizes and elasticities. This is intended to be a mostly bottom-up pass, where each resulting node depends on its descendants, but not on the space actually available for it on the screen. (This is easier for Tk-style widgets than for paragraphs!)

Pass 2.2 is to compute the actual positions and sizes of each nested box, which is a top-down process, beginning with the size assigned to the root box. This produces another DAG of nested boxes augmented with (x, y, width, height) geometry information. Each box is given only the width and height assigned to it, and then can follow any policy it likes to assign positions to some or none of its children within itself, whatever is visible. The positions may overlap, in which case the z-order is important.

Pass 2.3 is to add floating boxes by iterating over the tree from the previous pass and giving each visible box an opportunity to produce things such as dropdown lists that should be propagated further up the tree.

Now that we have a layout, we have essentially a scene graph, and we need to rasterize the scene graph. So we make two more passes.

In pass 3.1, we produce a new augmented tree (this is starting to sound like a nanopass compiler framework) that has a pixel buffer associated with each box, a texture buffer which is scaled to the box’s visible area, and which contains the graphics from the background of that box, not the children. But the node still has references to its child boxes and their positions relative to it. Some boxes may be translucent, but most are opaque.

Pass 3.2 is rasterizing the actual screen. The standard scan-line rendering algorithm (Wylie et al. 1968) is, I think, to sort all the objects on the screen by their minimum Y-coordinate, then iterate over the scan lines maintaining a currently-visible priority queue (the so-called “active edge table”) of the edges of the objects intersecting the current scan line according to their maximum Y-coordinate, while adding the edges of new objects to the queue when we get to their minimum Y-coordinate. (The original Wylie et al. algorithm calculated an “occupied table” of polygons for each scan line.) Within each scan line, we sort the edges of the visible objects by X-coordinate (an insertion sort which does work proportional to the number of new out-of-place edges, times the total number of edges), then iterate over blocks of pixels to sample from the textures of the topmost object in that block, and whatever other objects are visible through it, if alpha-blending is called for. Finding out the topmost object at a given pixel is also a priority-queue problem, this time with Z-order instead of bottom-order.

Unlike all the previous passes, this last pass is not cacheable at a node-by-node level like the others because its results aren’t associated with subtrees; a box may be overlapped by some other box that isn’t its descendant, and we respond by not trying to sample its texture in the overlapped area. It can make up for this by being fast so we don’t need to cache it; remember, it’s just sampling from textures, typically one or two samples per pixel, if most boxes really are opaque.

If we want to do this in a real-time system that guarantees responsiveness, we need some kind of cheat for cases where we can’t meet our deadline with the correct answer. If there are too many things on the screen to rasterize in time, for example, we could rasterize only certain scanlines, for example, or make everything opaque, or only rasterize the first N objects on each scanline, or the first N objects after the largest X-coordinate that was reached during the last frame. If it’s instead one of the tree stages that’s taking too long, we might be able to use an old or outdated version of the subtrees we don’t have time for, perhaps tagging them in order to gray them out.

To figure out what’s worth caching, we might be able to use recency, reference counts on cacheable nodes, and the computation time they took; when we discard a cacheable node, we must move the computation time it took to each of its previous parent nodes.

Some ingenuity may be required for the cache manager to do this quickly and optimally; a straightforward suboptimal solution is to maintain two caches, add each newly memoized item to both caches, and whenever a cache becomes full, empty it in constant time (by resetting an arena pointer); additionally, whenever a cache crosses the halfway-full mark, empty the other cache unless it's nearly full. Lookups need not consult both caches, since one is a perfect superset of the other, but should promote the cached item to both caches.

The result of this approach should be to empty the caches alternately at nearly regular intervals, so that all the items that are referenced more often than that interval remain always cached, and items that are referenced less often have some probability of remaining cached. In particular, if a parent call is getting reliably cached, then its children and grandchildren will not get referenced, and will be eventually eliminated from the cache, which is in some sense optimal. It may lead to bad worst-case behavior, though.
