Font rendering with all-pass filters

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02020-05-18 (7 minutes)

You can use all-pass FIR filters to efficiently do subpixel letterform positioning of pixel fonts as well as obviate hinting. Pre-emphasis filtering can mitigate the readability loss from nonzero-size pixels and eye defocus. This can improve text rasterization. As far as I know, nobody is doing this, so I don’t know it will work.

Fractional-delay all-pass FIR filters for spatial translation

There are a variety of fractional-delay filters commonly used in music for, e.g., Karplus–Strong delay lines. The optimal filter is a sampled sinc; with a delay of 0 or some integer number of samples, this has an impulse response of 1 in sample 0 or some other sample and 0 on all other samples, but when its delay is some noninteger number, all the samples are nonzero. Sinc itself dies off annoyingly slowly, but you can window the sinc to get a faster die-off (Lánczos resampling being one implementation of this), and uniform basis splines are another less explicit way to get an approximately windowed sinc with a limited basis. As de Boor’s “B(asic)-Spline Basics” explains, these splines form a partition of unity, unlike the Lánczos kernel.

The same approach can be used to translate a sampled pixel image by some fractional number of pixels. If the source and target have the same resolution, this is just a convolution, with a kernel depending on the fractional part of the shift; if the original image is bilevel (black and white, so every pixel is either 1 or 0) doing this convolution in the spatial domain amounts to selectively adding up some of the weights in the convolution kernel to generate each output pixel, those that happen to land on white pixels. This therefore requires no multiplications.

If the source image has resolution higher than the target by some integer factor n, such as 2, 3, or 4, then I think this approach is still mostly valid, but now instead of a single convolution kernel you have n² of them, such as 4, 9, or 16 kernels, each a sampled sinc whose frequency is at the destination resolution. In particular, you can use an outline letterform rasterized to a high-resolution bilevel image to compute a grayscale image rasterized with perfect resampling (limited only by rounding), or very good resampling (limited by rounding and windowing). And the high-resolution bilevel image can be quite compact.

In particular, I think this gets rid of hinting. Hinting is a set of hacks which, among other things, deforms letterforms so that their stems and curves align more often with pixel centers and their borders run, as much as possible, halfway between pixel centers; this is important because, without that alignment, you lose spatial information about where they are to the sampling operation. This works very poorly with animation and with subpixel glyph positioning. But sinc filtering spreads that lost spatial information out to the surrounding pixels in the form of ringing, and as it happens, your eyes can pick up on that. So you shouldn’t need hinting.

Of course, on an LCD, you should sample at the LCD subpixels, usually R, G, and B from left to right, not to the square pixels containing them.

Efficient low-precision implementation with a multiplier

This operation of convolving a bilevel image with a convolution kernel has something of the flavor of binary long multiplication by an element of the kernel; each bit determines whether or not to add that weight at a particular spatial position in the output. And indeed you can carry it out with a multiplier under appropriate circumstances. Take the row of pixels 0011100111100001. Suppose 4 bits of grayscale in the output is enough; let’s space out that number into a 64-bit word by inserting zero bits, so it becomes 0x0011100111100001. If we multiply this by a 4-bit weight such as 3, it becomes 0x0033300333300003. Suppose the next weight to the right is 4, and the next pixel to the right is 1, so we shift in that 1 on the right and get 0x0111001111000011, then multiply by 4 and get 0x0444004444000044, which we can add to the previous result to get 0x477304777300047, as well as the results from doing the same thing with the corresponding weights in the next row of the convolution kernel and the corresponding input pixels in the next (previous) row. Proceeding in this way I think we can get perhaps an 8× to 16× speedup over the straightforward convolution algorithm, at the expense of really miserable overflow behavior. The speedup is probably only 2× or 4× against a straightforward SIMD algorithm if you have SIMD instructions.

Because of the overflow behavior, you can’t use 2’s-complement for negative weights, which of course are everywhere in sampled sinc kernels. Two possibilities occur to me: represent the weights in sign-magnitude form, using the sign bit to determine whether to subtract or add the product from the running sum, or use an excess-N representation for the weights and the running sum, subtracting N from each pixel after each multiply-add.

Low-rank approximations

Low-rank approximations of the relevant sinc kernels may be useful in reducing the windowing error at a given computational load, and the SVD provides an easy way to find them; see notes/svd-convolution.html in Dercuano for details.

Nonzero-area pixels and pre-emphasis

Above I said that sinc resampling can produce a perfectly resampled image, but there are a couple of complications. First, conceptually the sampling comb is made of Dirac deltas, which concentrate a nonzero amount of energy into a point in space. But we live in a universe where doing that would require creating a black hole, which is both practically difficult and highly radioactive, so instead we approximate it by illuminating or darkening pixels of finite, nonzero size.

This amounts to convolving this ideal sampled signal with the shape of a pixel, which acts as a zero-phase low-pass box filter with a sinc frequency response. The blurring of pixels by CRT beam dispersion or old-person eye defocus adds an additional low-pass characteristic, but one that’s harder to measure. Since the pixel shape is smaller than the pixel spacing, its first null is well above the Nyquist frequency, so this low-pass characteristic can be corrected by “pre-emphasis”: zero-phase linear time-invariant filtering of the original signal to attenuate the strongest frequencies and amplify the weaker ones, giving a perfectly flat frequency response. You may be able to fold this into the resampling filter described earlier, or you may want to do four high-pass IIR-filter passes in the four cardinal directions.

One-dimensional translation

An important special case of subpixel text spatial translation is horizontal translation. I think it’s possible to use just a fractional delay filter in the X-axis in this case, dramatically reducing the computational cost.
